Yeah, I'm a double back up guy.  But at the moment that means two  
external hard drives. In England, power was pretty steady and  
reliable - hardly ever any power cuts - mostly underground power  
cables.  Here on Vancouver Island, we get at least one power cut a  
month.  Usually because someone drunk has driven into a power pole.   
Eventually that'll fry one of my drives, or make it fail to boot  
because it'll be in the middle of writing when it cuts out.  They're  
so ridiculously delicate.  I worry that when that happens, I'll go to  
my second backup and I'll either find that it's failed for any of the  
other absurd reasons these things fail, or that the power will cut  
again while I'm loading it or using it.
Plus, each time one of these things fails, I have to go and spend  
$150-200 on another piece of shit backup drive that will fail in  
another year or so.

So that's why I like the idea of having net backup as second backup.   
Spreading the risk.  And they're probably less likely to go bust than  
my second drive is to fail.  And I'm not saving 2+ TB of stuff to  
DVD.  That's like a whole week spent backing up, changing discs every  
10 minutes.

One thing I never understand: if the US is so litigation-happy, how  
come there's not a class-action lawsuit against Lacie?  If anybody  
else made products that shitty and unreliable, and which destroyed  
people's stuff, they'd have lawyers crawling all over them.

Makes me sad to think of the amount of family photos and video, let  
alone hard work and art, that keep being lost by thousands of people  
who buy one of these drives and don't know better than to trust  
them.  Like I didn't a few years ago.

Sorry.  Have shingles.  Am in pain and so am grumpy.  Bah.

On 1-Feb-09, at 8:17 AM, Brook Hinton wrote:

I don't trust net backup. I don't trust anyone to stay in business long
enough for that to be worth paying for.
External drives are so cheap now. It's easy to move a small external  
around so it's almost never in the same place as your system. I try  
to set
up my backup strategy so that my data survives a fire or my being  
Beyond that, yes, drives die, equipment fails, but it does so everywhere
including the out there in serverland. But the likelihood of two data
locations (like a backup drive and a main drive) failing at once is not

And if it happens, as the zen people say, its an "opportunity for  
you know, be here now and all that.

If I focus more than this on my existing work, I don't make any new  
work, or
I'm too blocked up to make good work.

Frankly, the inability to erase traces of work from the net is more
troubling to me than the possibility of losing all my data, even  
though I
don't have any desire to erase anything right now. But I have work  
that HAD
I sent it into the cloudosphere, I would now be trying to get rid of it,
because my current self hates it.

If I ever make more money, I MIGHT add a remote storage facility to  
the mix.
Maybe. But it would probably be a physical delivery thing, not over the


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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Creative Mobile Filmmaking
Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

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