well......since Rupert and Verdi said something....I guess I can chime in.  As 
you are all aware, I am a PC guy, edit, work, etc on a PC.  Now I have, in the 
past expressed my frustration with certain aspects of windows, however, as an 
everyday work PC and editing PC, it's worked most of the time.  Now, I don't 
want to hear that nothing ever goes wrong with a Mac, because we all know 
that's not true, it's a machine with moving parts, things break....

I have looked at a Mac a few times, but the cost is prohibative.  Cause it's 
not just about the hardware, everything I have as far as ecosystem is related 
to a PC, and yes I can run boot camp or I can run programs virtually but I 
still hear of problems with that at times.  And then I still have to buy a full 
version of the MS OS, which further adds to the cost....

I am not anti Mac, but for me and my budget, I am still better off with a PC, 
even adding in the cost of virus software.

I have learned that it's not really about who is better, it's just about what 
you like and what you are used to....and what works for you as a person...for 
me a PC works, even when it's a tad frustrating....In fact I am getting ready 
to get a new computer when I move into the new house....not sure which yet, but 
it's just time for a new one, maybe a blu-ray player as well  :-)

Now if I was good looking, maybe I could get MS to pony up some money and be 
featured on one of those, "I'm a PC" commercials....


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rup...@...> wrote:
> I can't believe nobody took you up on this.
> But yeah, I agree.
> I've had to live with both Windows and Macs for the last 10 years, and  
> Windows has caused me and my clients many, many more headaches than  
> Mac.  And that's mostly just XP.  For me, there's just no comparison  
> between the nightmare of Vista and Mac OSX.  I know three people who  
> have gone Mac in the last few months because they just couldn't cope  
> with Vista any more. Unsurprisingly, they're now calmer and happier.
> Though I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on Windows - back when I was  
> doing local freelance IT support, the suffering it caused paid my  
> mortgage.
> On 16-Apr-09, at 6:20 AM, Michael Verdi wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Michael Sullivan <sullele...@... 
> > > wrote:
> > > 2+ years experience using a macbookpro everyday...
> > >
> > > macs are way over-hyped/over-priced.
> > > but hey, you'll be hip like that.  ;)
> >
> > 9 years of making a living using Apple's pro laptop (15 years going
> > back to my Mac SE) and I have to disagree with that vigorously. All
> > the time and frustration I've saved while just being able to get on
> > with getting things done is not to be discounted. I'm not saying they
> > are perfect - they're not but come on.
> > Not wanting to start a platform war...
> > Verdi
> >
> > -- 
> > http://michaelverdi.com
> >
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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