
> Hi There,
>   I'm using two most downloaded vim plugins MiniBufferExplorer(By bindu
> wavell)  and taglist(By Yegappan Lakshmanan) for working on C++ files.
> When I open a file on a consol window, and use the Taglist plugin it works
> absolutely fine as documented. In the same consol window if I open another
> file with ":e <file2>" then it open the MiniBufferExplorer window as well
> and I can see the list of files present in the buffer.
> Also, the taglist plugin works absolutely well, i.e. giving the list of all
> the variables and functions befined in both the files.
> THE PROBLEM starts after I close either of the files with :q command. The
> MiniBuffer  window still appears(with list of both the files present) and
> the view on window (left vertical portion with taglist of both the files and
> on the right half blank window, with buffer explorer window on the top. When
> I open the other file by clicking in the buffer explorer it opens the files
> only in 1-row space which is the width of buffer explorer.
> Another PROBLEM when I tried opening the other file which is still present
> in buffer explorer window it opens in the rest half of the window(which was
> blank earlier).
> Furthermore if I close(:q), either of the files and switch to another file
> by selecting it from the buffer window it opens the files in black and
> white("vi ") mode, like syntax off commend is given.
> Is there a problem in using both the plugins together. Is there something I
> need to add in .vimrc file to avoid and unexpected behavior.
> So far I find that the behavior of taglist plugin is absolutely with one
> exception, which is "
> If taglist window also open, and if I choose to switch to second file from
> MiniBuffer explorer it opens the file in the taglist window(which you get in
> Vsplit mode).

This problem should be fixed in the Minibuffer explorer plugin. When you
select a buffer for editing, the Minibuffer explorer plugin should do the 

1. If the selected buffer is already displayed in a window, jump to that 
2. Otherwise, find a window showing a buffer with 'buftype' option
    set to empty. Edit the selected buffer in this window.
3. Otherwise, open a new window and edit the selected buffer.

- Yegappan

> However, I can still get the taglist window by the command, and it opens in
> another vsplit mode i.e. another third section in the same window.
> WHAT DO I NEED to follow to make sure that if I switch between the files I
> get the next file in the same window instead of the split mode.
> Thanks in advance ......  
> And yes,   Hats off to you, both the plugins are excellent saves lot of
> time.

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