kkruecke schrieb:
> In gvim 7.2 (on Windows Vista, using the default colorscheme), I found
> a syntax highlighting bug.  I commented out a block of PHP using the
> HTML comment tags of "<!--" and "-->". But the PHP code was not grayed
> out as it is in other editors (like Topstyle).

Sure this is a bug?  Looks more like a feature not supported by Topstyle.

> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2"> <tr><td>
> <!--
>  <?php echo "This should be grayed out, but retains syntax
> highlighting"; ?>
> -->
>    <?php    echo "This has proper syntax highlighting";      ?>
>    </td></tr></table>
> regards,
> Kurt

You can try (funnily enough)
    :let html_wrong_comments = 1

or fiddle directly with the syntax
(check 'runtimepath', create subdirs as needed, :h after ):
    " ~/.vim/after/syntax/php.vim

    syn clear htmlCommentPart
    syn region htmlCommentPart start=/--/ end=/--\s*/ contained

    " original htmlCommentPart contains @htmlPreproc which
    " permits highlighting of <?php ... ?>

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