Patch 8.1.0152
Problem:    Cannot easily run individual tests on MS-Windows.
Solution:   Move the list of tests to a separate file.  Add a build rule in
            the MSVC makefile.
Files:      Filelist, src/Makefile, src/Make_all.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak

*** ../vim-8.1.0151/Filelist    2018-06-30 17:08:56.064115274 +0200
--- Filelist    2018-07-04 22:58:13.976431486 +0200
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,13 ----
                .lgtm.yml \
                .travis.yml \
                appveyor.yml \
+               src/Make_all.mak \
                src/appveyor.bat \
                src/README.txt \
                src/alloc.h \
*** ../vim-8.1.0151/src/Makefile        2018-07-02 20:51:21.035882093 +0200
--- src/Makefile        2018-07-04 23:00:00.671802398 +0200
*** 1524,1529 ****
--- 1524,1532 ----
+ # The list of tests is common to all systems.
+ include Make_all.mak
  #          BASIC_SRC: files that are always used
  #            GUI_SRC: extra GUI files for current configuration
  #        ALL_GUI_SRC: all GUI files for Unix
*** 2125,2327 ****
  # Run individual NEW style test.
  # These do not depend on the executable, compile it when needed.
! test_arglist \
!       test_arabic \
!       test_assert \
!       test_assign \
!       test_autochdir \
!       test_autocmd \
!       test_autoload \
!       test_backspace_opt \
!       test_blockedit \
!       test_breakindent \
!       test_bufline \
!       test_bufwintabinfo \
!       test_cd \
!       test_cdo \
!       test_changedtick \
!       test_changelist \
!       test_channel \
!       test_charsearch \
!       test_charsearch_utf8 \
!       test_cindent \
!       test_clientserver \
!       test_close_count \
!       test_cmdline \
!       test_command_count \
!       test_comparators \
!       test_compiler \
!       test_crypt \
!       test_cscope \
!       test_cursor_func \
!       test_curswant \
!       test_delete \
!       test_diffmode \
!       test_digraph \
!       test_display \
!       test_edit \
!       test_erasebackword \
!       test_escaped_glob \
!       test_eval_stuff \
!       test_ex_undo \
!       test_ex_z \
!       test_exit \
!       test_exec_while_if \
!       test_execute_func \
!       test_exists \
!       test_exists_autocmd \
!       test_expand \
!       test_expand_dllpath \
!       test_expr \
!       test_expr_utf8 \
!       test_farsi \
!       test_feedkeys \
!       test_file_perm \
!       test_file_size \
!       test_fileformat \
!       test_filetype \
!       test_filter_cmd \
!       test_filter_map \
!       test_find_complete \
!       test_findfile \
!       test_fixeol \
!       test_float_func \
!       test_fnameescape \
!       test_fnamemodify \
!       test_fold \
!       test_functions \
!       test_ga \
!       test_getcwd \
!       test_getvar \
!       test_gf \
!       test_glob2regpat \
!       test_global \
!       test_gn \
!       test_goto \
!       test_gui \
!       test_gui_init \
!       test_hardcopy \
!       test_help \
!       test_help_tagjump \
!       test_hide \
!       test_highlight \
!       test_history \
!       test_hlsearch \
!       test_iminsert \
!       test_increment \
!       test_increment_dbcs \
!       test_ins_complete \
!       test_job_fails \
!       test_join \
!       test_json \
!       test_jumplist \
!       test_jumps \
!       test_lambda \
!       test_langmap \
!       test_largefile \
!       test_let \
!       test_lineending \
!       test_lispwords \
!       test_listchars \
!       test_listdict \
!       test_listlbr \
!       test_listlbr_utf8 \
!       test_lua \
!       test_makeencoding \
!       test_man \
!       test_maparg \
!       test_mapping \
!       test_marks \
!       test_match \
!       test_matchadd_conceal \
!       test_matchadd_conceal_utf8 \
!       test_menu \
!       test_messages \
!       test_mksession \
!       test_mksession_utf8 \
!       test_nested_function \
!       test_netbeans \
!       test_normal \
!       test_number \
!       test_options \
!       test_packadd \
!       test_partial \
!       test_paste \
!       test_perl \
!       test_plus_arg_edit \
!       test_popup \
!       test_preview \
!       test_profile \
!       test_prompt_buffer \
!       test_put \
!       test_python2 \
!       test_python3 \
!       test_pyx2 \
!       test_pyx3 \
!       test_quickfix \
!       test_quotestar \
!       test_recover \
!       test_regex_char_classes \
!       test_regexp_latin \
!       test_regexp_utf8 \
!       test_registers \
!       test_reltime \
!       test_retab \
!       test_ruby \
!       test_scroll_opt \
!       test_scrollbind \
!       test_search \
!       test_searchpos \
!       test_set \
!       test_sha256 \
!       test_signs \
!       test_smartindent \
!       test_sort \
!       test_source_utf8 \
!       test_spell \
!       test_startup \
!       test_startup_utf8 \
!       test_stat \
!       test_statusline \
!       test_substitute \
!       test_swap \
!       test_syn_attr \
!       test_syntax \
!       test_system \
!       test_tab \
!       test_tabline \
!       test_tabpage \
!       test_tagcase \
!       test_tagjump \
!       test_taglist \
!       test_tcl \
!       test_terminal \
!       test_terminal_fail \
!       test_textformat \
!       test_textobjects \
!       test_timers \
!       test_true_false \
!       test_undo \
!       test_unlet \
!       test_usercommands \
!       test_utf8 \
!       test_utf8_comparisons \
!       test_vartabs \
!       test_viminfo \
!       test_vimscript \
!       test_virtualedit \
!       test_visual \
!       test_winbar \
!       test_winbuf_close \
!       test_window_cmd \
!       test_window_id \
!       test_windows_home \
!       test_wordcount \
!       test_writefile \
!       test_xxd \
!       test_alot_latin \
!       test_alot_utf8 \
!       test_alot:
        cd testdir; rm -f $@.res test.log messages; $(MAKE) -f Makefile $@.res 
        @if test -f testdir/test.log; then \
                cat testdir/test.log; \
--- 2128,2134 ----
  # Run individual NEW style test.
  # These do not depend on the executable, compile it when needed.
        cd testdir; rm -f $@.res test.log messages; $(MAKE) -f Makefile $@.res 
        @if test -f testdir/test.log; then \
                cat testdir/test.log; \
*** ../vim-8.1.0151/src/Make_all.mak    2018-07-04 23:04:22.810262212 +0200
--- src/Make_all.mak    2018-07-04 22:58:28.564345380 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,203 ----
+ #
+ # Common Makefile, defines the list of tests to run.
+ #
+ # Individual tests, including the ones part of test_alot
+       test_arglist \
+       test_arabic \
+       test_assert \
+       test_assign \
+       test_autochdir \
+       test_autocmd \
+       test_autoload \
+       test_backspace_opt \
+       test_blockedit \
+       test_breakindent \
+       test_bufline \
+       test_bufwintabinfo \
+       test_cd \
+       test_cdo \
+       test_changedtick \
+       test_changelist \
+       test_channel \
+       test_charsearch \
+       test_charsearch_utf8 \
+       test_cindent \
+       test_clientserver \
+       test_close_count \
+       test_cmdline \
+       test_command_count \
+       test_comparators \
+       test_compiler \
+       test_crypt \
+       test_cscope \
+       test_cursor_func \
+       test_curswant \
+       test_delete \
+       test_diffmode \
+       test_digraph \
+       test_display \
+       test_edit \
+       test_erasebackword \
+       test_escaped_glob \
+       test_eval_stuff \
+       test_ex_undo \
+       test_ex_z \
+       test_exit \
+       test_exec_while_if \
+       test_execute_func \
+       test_exists \
+       test_exists_autocmd \
+       test_expand \
+       test_expand_dllpath \
+       test_expr \
+       test_expr_utf8 \
+       test_farsi \
+       test_feedkeys \
+       test_file_perm \
+       test_file_size \
+       test_fileformat \
+       test_filetype \
+       test_filter_cmd \
+       test_filter_map \
+       test_find_complete \
+       test_findfile \
+       test_fixeol \
+       test_float_func \
+       test_fnameescape \
+       test_fnamemodify \
+       test_fold \
+       test_functions \
+       test_ga \
+       test_getcwd \
+       test_getvar \
+       test_gf \
+       test_glob2regpat \
+       test_global \
+       test_gn \
+       test_goto \
+       test_gui \
+       test_gui_init \
+       test_hardcopy \
+       test_help \
+       test_help_tagjump \
+       test_hide \
+       test_highlight \
+       test_history \
+       test_hlsearch \
+       test_iminsert \
+       test_increment \
+       test_increment_dbcs \
+       test_ins_complete \
+       test_job_fails \
+       test_join \
+       test_json \
+       test_jumplist \
+       test_jumps \
+       test_lambda \
+       test_langmap \
+       test_largefile \
+       test_let \
+       test_lineending \
+       test_lispwords \
+       test_listchars \
+       test_listdict \
+       test_listlbr \
+       test_listlbr_utf8 \
+       test_lua \
+       test_makeencoding \
+       test_man \
+       test_maparg \
+       test_mapping \
+       test_marks \
+       test_match \
+       test_matchadd_conceal \
+       test_matchadd_conceal_utf8 \
+       test_menu \
+       test_messages \
+       test_mksession \
+       test_mksession_utf8 \
+       test_nested_function \
+       test_netbeans \
+       test_normal \
+       test_number \
+       test_options \
+       test_packadd \
+       test_partial \
+       test_paste \
+       test_perl \
+       test_plus_arg_edit \
+       test_popup \
+       test_preview \
+       test_profile \
+       test_prompt_buffer \
+       test_put \
+       test_python2 \
+       test_python3 \
+       test_pyx2 \
+       test_pyx3 \
+       test_quickfix \
+       test_quotestar \
+       test_recover \
+       test_regex_char_classes \
+       test_regexp_latin \
+       test_regexp_utf8 \
+       test_registers \
+       test_reltime \
+       test_retab \
+       test_ruby \
+       test_scroll_opt \
+       test_scrollbind \
+       test_search \
+       test_searchpos \
+       test_set \
+       test_sha256 \
+       test_signs \
+       test_smartindent \
+       test_sort \
+       test_source_utf8 \
+       test_spell \
+       test_startup \
+       test_startup_utf8 \
+       test_stat \
+       test_statusline \
+       test_substitute \
+       test_swap \
+       test_syn_attr \
+       test_syntax \
+       test_system \
+       test_tab \
+       test_tabline \
+       test_tabpage \
+       test_tagcase \
+       test_tagjump \
+       test_taglist \
+       test_tcl \
+       test_terminal \
+       test_terminal_fail \
+       test_textformat \
+       test_textobjects \
+       test_timers \
+       test_true_false \
+       test_undo \
+       test_unlet \
+       test_usercommands \
+       test_utf8 \
+       test_utf8_comparisons \
+       test_vartabs \
+       test_viminfo \
+       test_vimscript \
+       test_virtualedit \
+       test_visual \
+       test_winbar \
+       test_winbuf_close \
+       test_window_cmd \
+       test_window_id \
+       test_windows_home \
+       test_wordcount \
+       test_writefile \
+       test_xxd \
+       test_alot_latin \
+       test_alot_utf8 \
+       test_alot
*** ../vim-8.1.0151/src/Make_mvc.mak    2018-06-19 18:58:04.010489820 +0200
--- src/Make_mvc.mak    2018-07-04 23:01:41.003212115 +0200
*** 693,698 ****
--- 693,700 ----
  ! endif
  !endif # DEBUG
+ !include Make_all.mak
  INCL =        vim.h alloc.h arabic.h ascii.h ex_cmds.h farsi.h feature.h 
globals.h \
        keymap.h macros.h option.h os_dos.h os_win32.h proto.h regexp.h \
        spell.h structs.h term.h beval.h $(NBDEBUG_INCL)
*** 1296,1301 ****
--- 1298,1311 ----
        $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak clean
        cd ..
+       cd testdir
+       - if exist $@.res del $@.res
+       $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak nolog
+       $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak $@.res
+       $(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak report
+       cd ..
  # Create a default rule for transforming .c files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
*** ../vim-8.1.0151/src/version.c       2018-07-04 22:44:05.273544402 +0200
--- src/version.c       2018-07-04 22:56:31.145039418 +0200
*** 791,792 ****
--- 791,794 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     152,

Wizards had always known that the act of observation changed the thing that
was observed, and sometimes forgot that it also changed the observer too.
                        Terry Pratchett  -  Interesting times

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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