Patch 8.2.0385
Problem:    Menu functionality insufficiently tested.
Solution:   Add tests.  Add menu_info(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #5760)
Files:      runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/gui.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt,
            src/evalfunc.c, src/menu.c, src/proto/,
            src/testdir/test_menu.vim, src/testdir/test_popup.vim,

*** ../vim-8.2.0384/runtime/doc/eval.txt        2020-02-26 16:15:31.060386992 
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt        2020-03-15 16:04:07.301905982 +0100
*** 2599,2604 ****
--- 2601,2607 ----
  matchstrpos({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
                                List    {count}'th match of {pat} in {expr}
  max({expr})                   Number  maximum value of items in {expr}
+ menu_info({name} [, {mode}])  Dict    get menu item information
  min({expr})                   Number  minimum value of items in {expr}
  mkdir({name} [, {path} [, {prot}]])
                                Number  create directory {name}
*** 2903,2908 ****
--- 2906,2912 ----
  win_screenpos({nr})           List    get screen position of window {nr}
  win_splitmove({nr}, {target} [, {options}])
                                Number  move window {nr} to split of {target}
+ win_type([{nr}])              String  type of window {nr}
  winbufnr({nr})                        Number  buffer number of window {nr}
  wincol()                      Number  window column of the cursor
  winheight({nr})                       Number  height of window {nr}
*** 4017,4032 ****
                executable() uses the value of $PATH and/or the normal
                searchpath for programs.                *PATHEXT*
!               On MS-DOS and MS-Windows the ".exe", ".bat", etc. can
!               optionally be included.  Then the extensions in $PATHEXT are
!               tried.  Thus if "foo.exe" does not exist, "foo.exe.bat" can be
!               found.  If $PATHEXT is not set then ".exe;.com;.bat;.cmd" is
!               used.  A dot by itself can be used in $PATHEXT to try using
!               the name without an extension.  When 'shell' looks like a
!               Unix shell, then the name is also tried without adding an
!               extension.
!               On MS-DOS and MS-Windows it only checks if the file exists and
!               is not a directory, not if it's really executable.
                On MS-Windows an executable in the same directory as Vim is
                always found.  Since this directory is added to $PATH it
                should also work to execute it |win32-PATH|.
--- 4021,4035 ----
                executable() uses the value of $PATH and/or the normal
                searchpath for programs.                *PATHEXT*
!               On MS-Windows the ".exe", ".bat", etc. can optionally be
!               included.  Then the extensions in $PATHEXT are tried.  Thus if
!               "foo.exe" does not exist, "foo.exe.bat" can be found.  If
!               $PATHEXT is not set then ".exe;.com;.bat;.cmd" is used.  A dot
!               by itself can be used in $PATHEXT to try using the name
!               without an extension.  When 'shell' looks like a Unix shell,
!               then the name is also tried without adding an extension.
!               On MS-Windows it only checks if the file exists and is not a
!               directory, not if it's really executable.
                On MS-Windows an executable in the same directory as Vim is
                always found.  Since this directory is added to $PATH it
                should also work to execute it |win32-PATH|.
*** 7107,7128 ****
                Can also be used as a |method|: >
  max({expr})   Return the maximum value of all items in {expr}.
!               {expr} can be a list or a dictionary.  For a dictionary,
!               it returns the maximum of all values in the dictionary.
!               If {expr} is neither a list nor a dictionary, or one of the
                items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
                an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
                Can also be used as a |method|: >
  <                                                     *min()*
  min({expr})   Return the minimum value of all items in {expr}.
!               {expr} can be a list or a dictionary.  For a dictionary,
!               it returns the minimum of all values in the dictionary.
!               If {expr} is neither a list nor a dictionary, or one of the
                items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
                an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
--- 7125,7207 ----
                Can also be used as a |method|: >
  max({expr})   Return the maximum value of all items in {expr}.
!               {expr} can be a List or a Dictionary.  For a Dictionary,
!               it returns the maximum of all values in the Dictionary.
!               If {expr} is neither a List nor a Dictionary, or one of the
                items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
                an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
                Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ menu_info({name} [, {mode}])                          *menu_info()*
+               Return information about the specified menu {name} in
+               mode {mode}. The menu name should be specified without the
+               shortcut character ('&').
+               {mode} can be one of these strings:
+                       "n"     Normal
+                       "v"     Visual (including Select)
+                       "o"     Operator-pending
+                       "i"     Insert
+                       "c"     Cmd-line
+                       "s"     Select
+                       "x"     Visual
+                       "t"     Terminal-Job
+                       ""      Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
+                       "!"     Insert and Cmd-line
+               When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.
+               Returns a |Dictionary| containing the following items:
+                 accel         menu item accelerator text |menu-text|
+                 display       display name (name without '&')
+                 enabled       v:true if this menu item is enabled
+                               Refer to |:menu-enable|
+                 icon          name of the icon file (for toolbar)
+                               |toolbar-icon|
+                 iconidx       index of a built-in icon
+                 modes         modes for which the menu is defined. In
+                               addition to the modes mentioned above, these
+                               characters will be used:
+                               " "     Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
+                 name          menu item name.
+                 noremenu      v:true if the {rhs} of the menu item is not
+                               remappable else v:false.
+                 priority      menu order priority |menu-priority|
+                 rhs           right-hand-side of the menu item. The returned
+                               string has special characters translated like
+                               in the output of the ":menu" command listing.
+                               When the {rhs} of a menu item is empty, then
+                               "<Nop>" is returned.
+                 script        v:true if script-local remapping of {rhs} is
+                               allowed else v:false.  See |:menu-script|.
+                 shortcut      shortcut key (character after '&' in
+                               the menu name) |menu-shortcut|
+                 silent        v:true if the menu item is created
+                               with <silent> argument |:menu-silent|
+                 submenus      |List| containing the names of
+                               all the submenus.  Present only if the menu
+                               item has submenus.
+               Returns an empty dictionary if the menu item is not found.
+               Examples: >
+                       :echo maparg('Edit.Cut')
+                       :echo maparg('File.Save', 'n')
+ <
+               Can also be used as a |method|: >
+                       GetMenuName()->maparg('v')
  <                                                     *min()*
  min({expr})   Return the minimum value of all items in {expr}.
!               {expr} can be a List or a Dictionary.  For a Dictionary,
!               it returns the minimum of all values in the Dictionary.
!               If {expr} is neither a List nor a Dictionary, or one of the
                items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
                an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/runtime/doc/gui.txt 2020-02-26 16:15:31.060386992 +0100
--- runtime/doc/gui.txt 2020-03-15 16:00:11.478894806 +0100
*** 578,586 ****
--- 578,588 ----
  Special characters in a menu name:
+                                                       *menu-shortcut*
        &       The next character is the shortcut key.  Make sure each
                shortcut key is only used once in a (sub)menu.  If you want to
                insert a literal "&" in the menu name use "&&".
+                                                       *menu-text*
        <Tab>   Separates the menu name from right-aligned text.  This can be
                used to show the equivalent typed command.  The text "<Tab>"
                can be used here for convenience.  If you are using a real
*** 954,960 ****
  mappings, or put these lines in your gvimrc; "<C-R>" is CTRL-R, "<CR>" is
  the <CR> key.  |<>|)
  5.8 Tooltips & Menu tips
  See section |42.4| in the user manual.
--- 956,962 ----
  mappings, or put these lines in your gvimrc; "<C-R>" is CTRL-R, "<CR>" is
  the <CR> key.  |<>|)
!                                                       *tooltips* *menu-tips*
  5.8 Tooltips & Menu tips
  See section |42.4| in the user manual.
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt      2020-02-12 22:15:14.852205223 
--- runtime/doc/usr_41.txt      2020-03-15 16:07:47.604979784 +0100
*** 942,951 ****
        winsaveview()           get view of current window
        winrestview()           restore saved view of current window
! Mappings:                                 *mapping-functions*
        hasmapto()              check if a mapping exists
        mapcheck()              check if a matching mapping exists
        maparg()                get rhs of a mapping
        wildmenumode()          check if the wildmode is active
  Testing:                                  *test-functions*
--- 942,952 ----
        winsaveview()           get view of current window
        winrestview()           restore saved view of current window
! Mappings and Menus:                       *mapping-functions*
        hasmapto()              check if a mapping exists
        mapcheck()              check if a matching mapping exists
        maparg()                get rhs of a mapping
+       menu_info()             get information about a menu item
        wildmenumode()          check if the wildmode is active
  Testing:                                  *test-functions*
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/evalfunc.c      2020-03-01 20:33:57.175639667 +0100
--- src/evalfunc.c      2020-03-15 16:00:11.482894787 +0100
*** 646,651 ****
--- 646,652 ----
      {"matchstr",      2, 4, FEARG_1,    ret_string,   f_matchstr},
      {"matchstrpos",   2, 4, FEARG_1,    ret_list_any, f_matchstrpos},
      {"max",           1, 1, FEARG_1,    ret_any,      f_max},
+     {"menu_info",     1, 2, FEARG_1,    ret_dict_any, f_menu_info},
      {"min",           1, 1, FEARG_1,    ret_any,      f_min},
      {"mkdir",         1, 3, FEARG_1,    ret_number,   f_mkdir},
      {"mode",          0, 1, FEARG_1,    ret_string,   f_mode},
*** 2469,2475 ****
            if (lowlevel)
  #ifdef USE_INPUT_BUF
!               add_to_input_buf(keys, (int)STRLEN(keys));
                emsg(_("E980: lowlevel input not supported"));
--- 2470,2486 ----
            if (lowlevel)
  #ifdef USE_INPUT_BUF
!               int idx;
!               int len = (int)STRLEN(keys);
!               for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)
!               {
!                   // if a CTRL-C was typed, set got_int
!                   if (keys[idx] == 3 && ctrl_c_interrupts)
!                       got_int = TRUE;
!                   else
!                       add_to_input_buf(keys + idx, 1);
!               }
                emsg(_("E980: lowlevel input not supported"));
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/menu.c  2020-02-26 16:15:31.072386953 +0100
--- src/menu.c  2020-03-15 16:09:24.108661467 +0100
*** 1685,1690 ****
--- 1685,1733 ----
+  * Return the string representation of the menu modes. Does the opposite
+  * of get_menu_cmd_modes().
+  */
+     static char_u *
+ get_menu_mode_str(int modes)
+ {
+       return (char_u *)"a";
+                 MENU_OP_PENDING_MODE))
+               MENU_OP_PENDING_MODE))
+       return (char_u *)" ";
+     if ((modes & (MENU_INSERT_MODE | MENU_CMDLINE_MODE))
+       return (char_u *)"!";
+     if ((modes & (MENU_VISUAL_MODE | MENU_SELECT_MODE))
+       return (char_u *)"v";
+     if (modes & MENU_VISUAL_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"x";
+     if (modes & MENU_SELECT_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"s";
+     if (modes & MENU_OP_PENDING_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"o";
+     if (modes & MENU_INSERT_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"i";
+     if (modes & MENU_TERMINAL_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"tl";
+     if (modes & MENU_CMDLINE_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"c";
+     if (modes & MENU_NORMAL_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"n";
+     if (modes & MENU_TIP_MODE)
+       return (char_u *)"t";
+     return (char_u *)"";
+ }
+ /*
   * Modify a menu name starting with "PopUp" to include the mode character.
   * Returns the name in allocated memory (NULL for failure).
*** 2393,2432 ****
!  * Given a menu descriptor, e.g. "File.New", find it in the menu hierarchy and
!  * execute it.
!     void
! ex_emenu(exarg_T *eap)
-     vimmenu_T *menu;
      char_u    *name;
      char_u    *saved_name;
!     char_u    *arg = eap->arg;
      char_u    *p;
      int               gave_emsg = FALSE;
-     int               mode_idx = -1;
-     if (arg[0] && VIM_ISWHITE(arg[1]))
-     {
-       switch (arg[0])
-       {
-           case 'n': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_NORMAL; break;
-           case 'v': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_VISUAL; break;
-           case 's': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_SELECT; break;
-           case 'o': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_OP_PENDING; break;
-           case 't': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_TERMINAL; break;
-           case 'i': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_INSERT; break;
-           case 'c': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_CMDLINE; break;
-           default: semsg(_(e_invarg2), arg);
-                    return;
-       }
-       arg = skipwhite(arg + 2);
-     }
!     saved_name = vim_strsave(arg);
      if (saved_name == NULL)
!       return;
      menu = *get_root_menu(saved_name);
      name = saved_name;
--- 2436,2456 ----
!  * Lookup a menu by the descriptor name e.g. "File.New"
!  * Returns NULL if the menu is not found
!     static vimmenu_T *
! menu_getbyname(char_u *name_arg)
      char_u    *name;
      char_u    *saved_name;
!     vimmenu_T *menu;
      char_u    *p;
      int               gave_emsg = FALSE;
!     saved_name = vim_strsave(name_arg);
      if (saved_name == NULL)
!       return NULL;
      menu = *get_root_menu(saved_name);
      name = saved_name;
*** 2463,2472 ****
      if (menu == NULL)
        if (!gave_emsg)
!           semsg(_("E334: Menu not found: %s"), arg);
!       return;
      // Found the menu, so execute.
      execute_menu(eap, menu, mode_idx);
--- 2487,2531 ----
      if (menu == NULL)
        if (!gave_emsg)
!           semsg(_("E334: Menu not found: %s"), name_arg);
!       return NULL;
!     }
!     return menu;
! }
! /*
!  * Given a menu descriptor, e.g. "File.New", find it in the menu hierarchy and
!  * execute it.
!  */
!     void
! ex_emenu(exarg_T *eap)
! {
!     vimmenu_T *menu;
!     char_u    *arg = eap->arg;
!     int               mode_idx = -1;
!     if (arg[0] && VIM_ISWHITE(arg[1]))
!     {
!       switch (arg[0])
!       {
!           case 'n': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_NORMAL; break;
!           case 'v': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_VISUAL; break;
!           case 's': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_SELECT; break;
!           case 'o': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_OP_PENDING; break;
!           case 't': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_TERMINAL; break;
!           case 'i': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_INSERT; break;
!           case 'c': mode_idx = MENU_INDEX_CMDLINE; break;
!           default: semsg(_(e_invarg2), arg);
!                    return;
!       }
!       arg = skipwhite(arg + 2);
+     menu = menu_getbyname(arg);
+     if (menu == NULL)
+       return;
      // Found the menu, so execute.
      execute_menu(eap, menu, mode_idx);
*** 2773,2776 ****
--- 2832,2989 ----
      return arg;
+ /*
+  * Get the information about a menu item in mode 'which'
+  */
+     static int
+ menuitem_getinfo(vimmenu_T *menu, int modes, dict_T *dict)
+ {
+     int               status;
+     if (menu_is_tearoff(menu->dname))         // skip tearoff menu item
+       return OK;
+     status = dict_add_string(dict, "name", menu->name);
+     if (status == OK)
+       status = dict_add_string(dict, "display", menu->dname);
+     if (status == OK && menu->actext != NULL)
+       status = dict_add_string(dict, "accel", menu->actext);
+     if (status == OK)
+       status = dict_add_number(dict, "priority", menu->priority);
+     if (status == OK)
+       status = dict_add_string(dict, "modes",
+                                       get_menu_mode_str(menu->modes));
+     if (status == OK && menu->iconfile != NULL)
+       status = dict_add_string(dict, "icon", menu->iconfile);
+     if (status == OK && menu->iconidx >= 0)
+       status = dict_add_number(dict, "iconidx", menu->iconidx);
+ #endif
+     if (status == OK)
+     {
+       char_u  buf[NUMBUFLEN];
+       if (has_mbyte)
+           buf[utf_char2bytes(menu->mnemonic, buf)] = NUL;
+       else
+       {
+           buf[0] = (char_u)menu->mnemonic;
+           buf[1] = NUL;
+       }
+       status = dict_add_string(dict, "shortcut", buf);
+     }
+     if (status == OK && menu->children == NULL)
+     {
+       int             bit;
+       // Get the first mode in which the menu is available
+       for (bit = 0; (bit < MENU_MODES) && !((1 << bit) & modes); bit++)
+           ;
+       if (menu->strings[bit] != NULL)
+           status = dict_add_string(dict, "rhs",
+                   *menu->strings[bit] == NUL ?
+                   vim_strsave((char_u *)"<Nop>") :
+                   str2special_save(menu->strings[bit], FALSE));
+       if (status == OK)
+           status = dict_add_bool(dict, "noremenu",
+                                       menu->noremap[bit] == REMAP_NONE);
+       if (status == OK)
+           status = dict_add_bool(dict, "script",
+                                       menu->noremap[bit] == REMAP_SCRIPT);
+       if (status == OK)
+           status = dict_add_bool(dict, "silent", menu->silent[bit]);
+       if (status == OK)
+           status = dict_add_bool(dict, "enabled",
+                   ((menu->enabled & (1 << bit)) != 0));
+     }
+     // If there are submenus, add all the submenu display names
+     if (status == OK && menu->children != NULL)
+     {
+       list_T          *l = list_alloc();
+       vimmenu_T       *child;
+       if (l == NULL)
+           return FAIL;
+       dict_add_list(dict, "submenus", l);
+       child = menu->children;
+       while (child)
+       {
+           if (!menu_is_tearoff(child->dname))         // skip tearoff menu
+               list_append_string(l, child->dname, -1);
+           child = child->next;
+       }
+     }
+     return status;
+ }
+ /*
+  * "menu_info()" function
+  * Return information about a menu (including all the child menus)
+  */
+     void
+ f_menu_info(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
+ {
+     char_u    *menu_name;
+     char_u    *which;
+     int               modes;
+     char_u    *saved_name;
+     char_u    *name;
+     vimmenu_T *menu;
+     dict_T    *retdict;
+     if (rettv_dict_alloc(rettv) != OK)
+       return;
+     retdict = rettv->vval.v_dict;
+     menu_name = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[0]);
+     if (menu_name == NULL)
+       return;
+     // menu mode
+     if (argvars[1].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
+       which = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[1]);
+     else
+       which = (char_u *)"";       // Default is modes for "menu"
+     if (which == NULL)
+       return;
+     modes = get_menu_cmd_modes(which, *which == '!', NULL, NULL);
+     // Locate the specified menu or menu item
+     menu = *get_root_menu(menu_name);
+     saved_name = vim_strsave(menu_name);
+     if (saved_name == NULL)
+       return;
+     if (*saved_name != NUL)
+     {
+       char_u  *p;
+       name = saved_name;
+       while (*name)
+       {
+           // Find in the menu hierarchy
+           p = menu_name_skip(name);
+           while (menu != NULL)
+           {
+               if (menu_name_equal(name, menu))
+                   break;
+               menu = menu->next;
+           }
+           if (menu == NULL || *p == NUL)
+               break;
+           menu = menu->children;
+           name = p;
+       }
+     }
+     vim_free(saved_name);
+     if (menu == NULL)         // specified menu not found
+       return;
+     if (menu->modes & modes)
+       menuitem_getinfo(menu, modes, retdict);
+ }
  #endif // FEAT_MENU
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/proto/  2019-12-12 12:55:27.000000000 +0100
--- src/proto/  2020-03-15 16:09:27.524653321 +0100
*** 23,26 ****
--- 23,27 ----
  void winbar_click(win_T *wp, int col);
  vimmenu_T *gui_find_menu(char_u *path_name);
  void ex_menutranslate(exarg_T *eap);
+ void f_menu_info(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  /* vim: set ft=c : */
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/testdir/test_menu.vim   2020-02-25 21:47:42.303474610 
--- src/testdir/test_menu.vim   2020-03-15 16:00:11.482894787 +0100
*** 89,94 ****
--- 89,123 ----
    unlet g:did_menu
+ " Test various menu related errors
+ func Test_menu_errors()
+   menu Test.Foo  :version<CR>
+   " Error cases
+   call assert_fails('menu .Test.Foo :ls<CR>', 'E475:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Test. :ls<CR>', 'E330:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Foo. :ls<CR>', 'E331:')
+   call assert_fails('unmenu Test.Foo abc', 'E488:')
+   call assert_fails('menu <Tab>:ls  :ls<CR>', 'E792:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Test.<Tab>:ls  :ls<CR>', 'E792:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Test.Foo.Bar  :ls<CR>', 'E327:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Test.-Sep-.Baz  :ls<CR>', 'E332:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Foo.Bar.--.Baz  :ls<CR>', 'E332:')
+   call assert_fails('menu disable Test.Foo.Bar', 'E327:')
+   call assert_fails('menu disable T.Foo', 'E329:')
+   call assert_fails('unmenu Test.Foo.Bar', 'E327:')
+   call assert_fails('cunmenu Test.Foo', 'E328:')
+   call assert_fails('unmenu Test.Bar', 'E329:')
+   call assert_fails('menu Test.Foo.Bar', 'E327:')
+   call assert_fails('cmenu Test.Foo', 'E328:')
+   call assert_fails('emenu x Test.Foo', 'E475:')
+   call assert_fails('emenu Test.Foo.Bar', 'E334:')
+   call assert_fails('menutranslate Test', 'E474:')
+   silent! unmenu Foo
+   unmenu Test
+ endfunc
  " Test for menu item completion in command line
  func Test_menu_expand()
    " Create the menu itmes for test
*** 119,126 ****
--- 148,483 ----
          \ "\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
    call assert_equal('"emenu Buffers. Xmenu.', @:)
+   " Test for expanding only submenus
+   call feedkeys(":popup Xmenu.\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"popup Xmenu.A1 A2 A3 A4', @:)
+   " Test for expanding menus after enable/disable
+   call feedkeys(":menu enable Xmenu.\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"menu enable Xmenu.A1. A2. A3. A4.', @:)
+   call feedkeys(":menu disable Xmenu.\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"menu disable Xmenu.A1. A2. A3. A4.', @:)
+   " Test for expanding non-existing menu path
+   call feedkeys(":menu xyz.\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"menu xyz.', @:)
+   call feedkeys(":menu\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"menu', @:)
    set wildmenu&
    unmenu Xmenu
+   " Test for expanding popup menus with some hidden items
+   menu a1
+   menu Xmenu.]bar bar
+   menu Xmenu.]baz.B1 b1
+   menu Xmenu.-sep- :
+   call feedkeys(":popup Xmenu.\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal('"popup', @:)
+   unmenu Xmenu
+ endfunc
+ " Test for the menu_info() function
+ func Test_menu_info()
+   " Define menus with various attributes
+   10nnoremenu 10.10 T&est.F&oo  :echo 'foo'<CR>
+   10nmenu <silent> 10.20 T&est.B&ar<Tab>:bar  :echo 'bar'<CR>
+   10nmenu <script> 10.30.5 T&est.Ba&z.Qu&x  :echo 'qux'<CR>
+   let d = #{name: "B&ar\t:bar", display: 'Bar', modes: 'n', shortcut: 'a',
+         \ accel: ':bar', priority: 20, enabled: v:true, silent: v:true,
+         \ noremenu: v:false, script: v:false, rhs: ":echo 'bar'<CR>"}
+   call assert_equal(d, menu_info('Test.Bar'))
+   let d = #{name: 'Ba&z', display: 'Baz', modes: 'n', shortcut: 'z',
+         \ priority: 30, submenus: ['Qux']}
+   call assert_equal(d, menu_info('Test.Baz'))
+   let d = #{name: 'T&est', display: 'Test', modes: 'n', shortcut: 'e',
+         \ priority: 10, submenus: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']}
+   call assert_equal(d, menu_info('Test'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test.Dummy'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Dummy'))
+   nmenu disable Test.Foo
+   call assert_equal(v:false, menu_info('Test.Foo').enabled)
+   nmenu enable Test.Foo
+   call assert_equal(v:true, menu_info('Test.Foo').enabled)
+   call assert_equal(menu_info('Test.Foo'), menu_info('Test.Foo', ''))
+   nmenu  <Nop>
+   call assert_equal('<Nop>', menu_info('').rhs)
+   call assert_fails('call menu_info([])', 'E730:')
+   nunmenu Test
+   " Test for defining menus in different modes
+   menu :menu<CR>
+   menu!! :menu!<CR>
+   amenu Test.amenu  :amenu<CR>
+   nmenu Test.nmenu  :nmenu<CR>
+   omenu Test.omenu  :omenu<CR>
+   vmenu Test.vmenu  :vmenu<CR>
+   xmenu Test.xmenu  :xmenu<CR>
+   smenu Test.smenu  :smenu<CR>
+   imenu <silent> <script> Test.imenu  :imenu<CR>
+   cmenu Test.cmenu  :cmenu<CR>
+   tlmenu Test.tlmenu  :tlmenu<CR>
+   tmenu Test.nmenu Normal mode menu
+   tmenu Test.omenu Op-pending mode menu
+   noremenu Test.noremenu :noremenu<CR>
+   noremenu! Test.noremenu! :noremenu!<CR>
+   anoremenu Test.anoremenu  :anoremenu<CR>
+   nnoremenu Test.nnoremenu  :nnoremenu<CR>
+   onoremenu Test.onoremenu  :onoremenu<CR>
+   vnoremenu Test.vnoremenu  :vnoremenu<CR>
+   xnoremenu Test.xnoremenu  :xnoremenu<CR>
+   snoremenu Test.snoremenu  :snoremenu<CR>
+   inoremenu <silent> Test.inoremenu  :inoremenu<CR>
+   cnoremenu Test.cnoremenu  :cnoremenu<CR>
+   tlnoremenu Test.tlnoremenu  :tlnoremenu<CR>
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'menu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'menu', modes: ' ', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":menu<CR>", noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info(''))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'menu!', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'menu!', modes: '!', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":menu!<CR>", noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('!', '!'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'amenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'amenu', modes: 'a', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":amenu<CR>", noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 'a'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'nmenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'nmenu', modes: 'n', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':nmenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.nmenu', 'n'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'omenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'omenu', modes: 'o', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':omenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.omenu', 'o'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'vmenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'vmenu', modes: 'v', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':vmenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.vmenu', 'v'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'xmenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'xmenu', modes: 'x', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':xmenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.xmenu', 'x'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'smenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'smenu', modes: 's', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':smenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.smenu', 's'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'imenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'imenu', modes: 'i', enabled: v:true, silent: v:true,
+         \ rhs: ':imenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:true},
+         \ menu_info('Test.imenu', 'i'))
+   call assert_equal(#{ name: 'cmenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'cmenu', modes: 'c', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':cmenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.cmenu', 'c'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'tlmenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'tlmenu', modes: 'tl', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':tlmenu<CR>', noremenu: v:false, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.tlmenu', 'tl'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'noremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'noremenu', modes: ' ', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":noremenu<CR>", noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.noremenu'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'noremenu!', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'noremenu!', modes: '!', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":noremenu!<CR>", noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.noremenu!', '!'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'anoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'anoremenu', modes: 'a', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ":anoremenu<CR>", noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.anoremenu', 'a'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'nnoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'nnoremenu', modes: 'n', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':nnoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.nnoremenu', 'n'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'onoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'onoremenu', modes: 'o', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':onoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.onoremenu', 'o'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'vnoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'vnoremenu', modes: 'v', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':vnoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.vnoremenu', 'v'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'xnoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'xnoremenu', modes: 'x', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':xnoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.xnoremenu', 'x'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'snoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'snoremenu', modes: 's', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':snoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.snoremenu', 's'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'inoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'inoremenu', modes: 'i', enabled: v:true, silent: v:true,
+         \ rhs: ':inoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.inoremenu', 'i'))
+   call assert_equal(#{ name: 'cnoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'cnoremenu', modes: 'c', enabled: v:true, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':cnoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.cnoremenu', 'c'))
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'tlnoremenu', priority: 500, shortcut: '',
+         \ display: 'tlnoremenu', modes: 'tl', enabled: v:true, silent: 
+         \ rhs: ':tlnoremenu<CR>', noremenu: v:true, script: v:false},
+         \ menu_info('Test.tlnoremenu', 'tl'))
+   aunmenu Test
+   tlunmenu Test
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', '!'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'a'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'n'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'o'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'v'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'x'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 's'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'i'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'c'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 't'))
+   call assert_equal({}, menu_info('Test', 'tl'))
+   amenu Test.amenu  :amenu<CR>
+   call assert_equal(':amenu<CR>', menu_info('Test.amenu', '').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-\><C-O>:amenu<CR>', menu_info('Test.amenu', '!').rhs)
+   call assert_equal(':amenu<CR>', menu_info('Test.amenu', 'n').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-C>:amenu<CR><C-\><C-G>',
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 'o').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-C>:amenu<CR><C-\><C-G>',
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 'v').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-C>:amenu<CR><C-\><C-G>',
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 'x').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-C>:amenu<CR><C-\><C-G>',
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 's').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-\><C-O>:amenu<CR>', menu_info('Test.amenu', 'i').rhs)
+   call assert_equal('<C-C>:amenu<CR><C-\><C-G>',
+         \ menu_info('Test.amenu', 'c').rhs)
+   aunmenu Test.amenu
+   " Test for hidden menus
+   menu ] :menu<CR>
+   call assert_equal(#{name: ']Test', display: ']Test', priority: 500,
+         \ shortcut: '', modes: ' ', submenus: ['menu']},
+         \ menu_info(']Test'))
+   unmenu ]Test
+ endfunc
+ " Test for <special> keyword in a menu with 'cpo' containing '<'
+ func Test_menu_special()
+   new
+   set cpo+=<
+   nmenu Test.Sign  am<Tab>n<Esc>
+   call feedkeys(":emenu n Test.Sign\<CR>", 'x')
+   call assert_equal("m<Tab>n<Esc>", getline(1))
+   nunmenu Test.Sign
+   nmenu <special> Test.Sign  am<Tab>n<Esc>
+   call setline(1, '')
+   call feedkeys(":emenu n Test.Sign\<CR>", 'x')
+   call assert_equal("m\tn", getline(1))
+   set cpo-=<
+   close!
+   nunmenu Test.Sign
+ endfunc
+ " Test for "icon=filname" in a toolbar
+ func Test_menu_icon()
+   CheckFeature toolbar
+   nmenu icon=myicon.xpm Toolbar.Foo  :echo "Foo"<CR>
+   call assert_equal('myicon.xpm', "Toolbar.Foo"->menu_info().icon)
+   nunmenu Toolbar.Foo
+   " Test for using the builtin icon
+   amenu ToolBar.BuiltIn22 :echo "BuiltIn22"<CR>
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'BuiltIn22', display: 'BuiltIn22',
+         \ enabled: v:true, shortcut: '', modes: 'a', script: v:false,
+         \ iconidx: 22, priority: 500, silent: v:false,
+         \ rhs: ':echo "BuiltIn22"<CR>', noremenu: v:false},
+         \ menu_info("ToolBar.BuiltIn22"))
+   aunmenu ToolBar.BuiltIn22
+ endfunc
+ " Test for ":emenu" command in different modes
+ func Test_emenu_cmd()
+   new
+   xmenu rx
+   call setline(1, ['aaaa', 'bbbb'])
+   normal ggVj
+   %emenu
+   call assert_equal(['xxxx', 'xxxx'], getline(1, 2))
+   call setline(1, ['aaaa', 'bbbb'])
+   exe "normal ggVj\<Esc>"
+   %emenu
+   call assert_equal(['xxxx', 'xxxx'], getline(1, 2))
+   call setline(1, ['aaaa', 'bbbb'])
+   exe "normal ggV\<Esc>"
+   2emenu
+   call assert_equal(['aaaa', 'xxxx'], getline(1, 2))
+   xunmenu
+   close!
+ endfunc
+ " Test for PopUp menus
+ func Test_popup_menu()
+   20menu :echo 'foo'<CR>
+   20menu :echo 'bar'<CR>
+   call assert_equal(#{name: 'PopUp', display: 'PopUp', priority: 20,
+         \ shortcut: '', modes: ' ', submenus: ['foo', 'bar']},
+         \ menu_info('PopUp'))
+   menu disable
+   call assert_equal(v:true, ""->menu_info().enabled)
+   call assert_equal(v:false, ""->menu_info().enabled)
+   menu enable
+   call assert_equal(v:true, ""->menu_info().enabled)
+   unmenu PopUp
+ endfunc
+ " Test for listing the menus using the :menu command
+ func Test_show_menus()
+   " In the GUI, tear-off menu items are present in the output below
+   " So skip this test
+   CheckNotGui
+   aunmenu *
+   call assert_equal(['--- Menus ---'], split(execute('menu'), "\n"))
+   nmenu <script> 200.10 Test.nmenu1 :nmenu1<CR>
+   nmenu 200.20 Test.nmenu2 :nmenu2<CR>
+   nnoremenu 200.30 Test.nmenu3 :nmenu3<CR>
+   nmenu 200.40 Test.nmenu4 :nmenu4<CR>
+   nmenu 200.50 disable Test.nmenu4
+   let exp =<< trim [TEXT]
+   --- Menus ---
+   200 Test
+     10 nmenu1
+         n&   :nmenu1<CR>
+     20 nmenu2
+         n    :nmenu2<CR>
+     30 nmenu3
+         n*   :nmenu3<CR>
+     40 nmenu4
+         n  - :nmenu4<CR>
+   [TEXT]
+   call assert_equal(exp, split(execute('nmenu'), "\n"))
+   nunmenu Test
+ endfunc
+ " Test for menu tips
+ func Test_tmenu()
+   tunmenu *
+   call assert_equal(['--- Menus ---'], split(execute('tmenu'), "\n"))
+   tmenu Test.nmenu1 nmenu1
+   tmenu Test.nmenu2.sub1 nmenu2.sub1
+   let exp =<< trim [TEXT]
+   --- Menus ---
+   500 Test
+     500 nmenu1
+         t  - nmenu1
+     500 nmenu2
+       500 sub1
+           t  - nmenu2.sub1
+   [TEXT]
+   call assert_equal(exp, split(execute('tmenu'), "\n"))
+   tunmenu Test
  " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/testdir/test_popup.vim  2019-12-01 14:08:59.000000000 
--- src/testdir/test_popup.vim  2020-03-15 16:00:11.482894787 +0100
*** 851,856 ****
--- 851,862 ----
    CheckFeature menu
+   menu Test.Foo Foo
+   call assert_fails('popup Test.Foo', 'E336:')
+   call assert_fails('popup Test.Foo.X', 'E327:')
+   call assert_fails('popup Foo', 'E337:')
+   unmenu Test.Foo
    let lines =<< trim END
        one two three four five
        and one two Xthree four five
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim      2019-12-18 
19:36:19.360023368 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim      2020-03-15 16:00:11.482894787 +0100
*** 979,984 ****
--- 979,1017 ----
    call test_override('no_query_mouse', 0)
+ " Test for displaying the popup menu using the right mouse click
+ func Test_mouse_popup_menu()
+   CheckFeature menu
+   new
+   call setline(1, 'popup menu test')
+   let save_mouse = &mouse
+   let save_term = &term
+   let save_ttymouse = &ttymouse
+   let save_mousemodel = &mousemodel
+   call test_override('no_query_mouse', 1)
+   set mouse=a term=xterm mousemodel=popup
+   menu :let g:menustr = 'foo'<CR>
+   menu :let g:menustr = 'bar'<CR>
+   menu PopUp.baz :let g:menustr = 'baz'<CR>
+   for ttymouse_val in s:ttymouse_values
+     exe 'set ttymouse=' .. ttymouse_val
+     let g:menustr = ''
+     call feedkeys(MouseRightClickCode(1, 4)
+               \ .. MouseRightReleaseCode(1, 4) .. "\<Down>\<Down>\<CR>", "x")
+     call assert_equal('bar', g:menustr)
+   endfor
+   unmenu PopUp
+   let &mouse = save_mouse
+   let &term = save_term
+   let &ttymouse = save_ttymouse
+   let &mousemodel = save_mousemodel
+   call test_override('no_query_mouse', 0)
+   close!
+ endfunc
  " This only checks if the sequence is recognized.
  func Test_term_rgb_response()
    set t_RF=x
*** 1501,1503 ****
--- 1534,1538 ----
    set timeoutlen&
+ " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
*** ../vim-8.2.0384/src/version.c       2020-03-15 15:10:07.911101429 +0100
--- src/version.c       2020-03-15 16:01:25.938582920 +0100
*** 740,741 ****
--- 740,743 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     385,

Two fish in a tank. One says to the other:
"Do you know how to drive this thing?"

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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