On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 6:02 PM, John Beckett <johnb.beck...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Chris Suter wrote:
> > Say I've entered insert mode by typing 4s -- removing four
> > characters from the current cursor position and leaving me in
> > insert mode. Is there a built-in means of repeating this?
> I'm sure you know that (in normal mode) pressing . will repeat
> the change, but it will insert the same text that you typed the
> first time.
> I use a very simple kludge:
> http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Copy_or_change_search_hit
> The above is surprisingly helpful. In your case, I would search
> for "xml" then type cs ("change search") and type the new text,
> then n (find next), then cs then type new text.
> Of course there is not much difference between 4s and cs, but
> the cs is always the same and so can be typed on automatic.
> John
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This is amazing!! Thank you so much! Way more useful than what I was
thinking of.

Christopher Suter

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