At 06:31 pm 28/10/2005 +1000, you wrote:
>In reply to  thomas malloy's message of Fri, 28 Oct 2005 01:53:53
>>Kyle posted, and
>>Revtek replied;
>>>  My faith in the human race and its future is shaken.
>>Kyle, you seem surprised that there are really guys like Goering out there.
>>There has to be a bunch of them because their reasoning is based on
>>evolutionary beliefs and we all know how pervasive that is.
>>Here is another really unsettling consideration.  If evolution is true, then
>>one race would naturally be superior to the others.  For the races to be
>>equal would be totally unnatural.

>Unequal does not necessarily mean "superior". The latter
>frequently brings with it the inference "superior in every way",
>whereas real differences actually result in superiority in some
>respects, combined with inferiority in others. People are very
>complicated organisms. Superiority in all respects concurrently is
>unheard of. Furthermore, there are probably still thousands of
>aspects of our chemical makeup that are as yet still unknown, so
>"superiority" remains a very vague concept.
>To complicate matters, a characteristic that may be advantageous
>in one situation may be a disadvantage in another. The respective
>situations may occur close to one another either geographically or
>in time, so is the carrier of that characteristic now superior or
>not? Obviously it, depends on the circumstances. 
>Robin van Spaandonk

I was going to make similar points but I don't think I can do 
any better than the above so I'll shut up.  <g>

Frank Grimer

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