On Friday 28 October 2005 02:53, thomas malloy wrote:
> Kyle posted, and
> Revtek replied;
> >  My faith in the human race and its future is shaken.
> Kyle, you seem surprised that there are really guys like Goering out there.
> There has to be a bunch of them because their reasoning is based on
> evolutionary beliefs and we all know how pervasive that is.
> Here is another really unsettling consideration.  If evolution is true,
> then one race would naturally be superior to the others.  For the races to
> be equal would be totally unnatural.
> I was watching a video about the personal views of the early
> exponents of the theory. They were unabashedly racist, and sexist too.

One of my C-Band educational channels had a series on the origin of man,
specifically, "The Biological Adam".  The researchers did a study of DNA
found around the world in order to find the oldest DNA that is still human.
Racial subtypes or sub-varieties if you will biologically share much of thier
DNA and by doing so identify that subtype.  The problem with much of this
is that the human DNA 'family tree' is tangled at the top somewhat with all 
the intermingling that has gone on in the last few hundred years.  Evidence
from bones found in older burial sites yield purer DNA indicative of specific
sub-types.  From this came a template against which modern specimens of
mixed ancestry could be classified.  From here the search was to go backward
to find points of departure in time and general location.  Older DNA of this 
type should show greater inter-relations among subtypes especially near times
when types first diverged.  And so it was that as older DNA was found from
more and more ancient burial sites, it was shared by more and more of the
total population worldwide regardless of subtype.  It turns out that from 
these DNA studies man as we know ourselves all descended from a group
of less than a few thousand individuals who lived in Kenya about 60,000 years
ago.  These people were survivors of a very difficult time in the history of 
the species 'homo'.  We had almost been wiped out!  The biological Adam
and Eve or Eva was among these survivors.  Presently there is an ethnic group
in Kenya whose DNA is similar to these survivors, and these DNA groups have
been found to be shared by all people in all the world and of whatever 'race'
by which they want to have themselves known.  This will disconcert some folks
to know that we are all family within 3000 generations or less no matter how
we look.  The studies further found that before the ancient global natural 
holocaust, our ancestors came from the 'Homo Robustus' line;  and that we
were and are probably unrelated to the 'Homo Neanderthalensis' people.
These Robustii had migrated north from a 'homeland' in the area of the
Transvaal in South Africa to Kenya where they whethered the trying times.
>From this, we are really all Kenyans whether we like it or not.  From Kenya,
our line walked north and west and south, but only left Africa by way of the
middle east.  The westerners became the Tuareg and the modern and ancient
Saharans that grazed the northern plains before they became a desert 6000 
years ago.  The pioneers out of Africa went to Iran and split, one path 
roughly following what later became the 'Silk Road' to Asia;  and another
turning north to Europe and Siberia.  Bear in mind that our ancestors who left
Africa were primitive peoples, and that none of us advanced much until about
13000 to 9000 years ago when cultures seemed to suddenly appear for
no apparent reason.  Adversity could not be the driving force as we had
survived more adversity before.  Some think that we were visited by foreigners
from elsewhere who maybe educated some of us or we copied what we saw
and passed this knowledge on in oral traditions and stone-age religions.  
There is a group out of Russia called 'The Followers' who believe this.  If
we read the various 'Bibles' found around the world, the older the better,
as a kind of fractured 'history' and integrate what is found therein, maybe
some light can be shown into the past this way of events in our species
happening in this other interesting period from 13000 to 9000 years ago.
Large cities in northwest India have been found offshore of Gujarat State
and are estimated and correlated by the Rig Vedas to age about 12000 years
ago.  The Rig Vedas speak of visitors to our world as well.  Not 'gods', but

Standing Bear

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