On Fri, 13 Jul 2007, Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. wrote:

> As satisfying it may be to say "I told you so",
> That'll just irritate people and I hope to elucidate the reasons below.

Other ways to say it:

  The Stan Meyer effect:  the inventors become their own worst enemy.

  The Free Energy curse:  the worship of secrecy guarantees their failure.

  Insanith:  they're repeating a well known sequence of behaviors while
  expecting a different result  ...so they all must be insane.

> In my opinion, Steorn should pursue a strategy of having a few products
> developed such as AA batteries, cell phone batteries, home generators etc.

But obviously they have little interest in products, otherwise they'd
behave very differently.

Here's something I wrote many years ago.  See if it sounds familiar.

  I've come to see that there is one big thing that ruins these fields of
  amateur research.  That thing is SECRECY.  Every time amateurs think
  they've stumbled across something important, they go silent and treat
  their discovery as a Big Important Secret which must be preserved at all
  costs from the many enemies who want to steal it. This is garbage! It is
  a trap which leads to paranoid megalomania. At the same time, it wrecks
  their discovery by burying it. True, there are often business reasons to
  keep back proprietary info, but the majority of "weird science"
  discoveries are not kept secret for this reason. They are kept secret
  because of shameful human psychology: because the inventors' desire
  attention, because they need to control, and because they need to be
  important, to gain fame and accolades, etc.  I can say such things
  because I too have suffered from this kind of "inventor's disease."  I
  solved the problem by posting my inventions on internet.  If a single
  inventor discovers something wonderful, it does no good at all for
  mankind.  It is not really a discovery at all, it's an ego trip. Only if
  an inventor discovers something wonderful and then STARTS SELLING
  PRODUCTS, or better yet, TELLS EVERYONE THE SECRET, then does it make
  the world a better place.
  [RULES FOR INVENTORS, rule 3, http://amasci.com/freenrg/rules1.html ]

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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