On Jul 24, 2007, at 6:39 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

Talking about LED lights, they are very efficient too, last for ever, contain no strange vapors, and turn on instantly, aren't they a better replacement for incandescent than compact fluorescent?

Theoretically they should be. About a year ago I compared $/watt and lumens/watt of a bunch of different types of bulbs. LED bulbs did not compare favorably to compact fluorescents in either category. Maybe that's changed, I don't know. I assume that is due to the power supplies used and partially to the need for a light diffuser which reduces lumens/watt. I recall reading that Wal-Mart was evaluating a complete building lighting system having a special building wide power supply, so that might make a big difference in lumens/watt. A house could be wired for DC lighting.

Horace Heffner

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