Horace wrote...

in this this discussion is the possible importance of electron
fugacity at the insulating barrier surface.  On the other side of the
barrier is the anode with its positive charge.  The electrolyte on
the opposed side of the barrier, and possibly the surface of the
barrier itself, carries an excess negative charge. The stronger the
barrier the greater the excess electrons on the electrolyte side of
the barrier, the greater the electron fugacity.  The hydrogen
fugacity is unfortunately low.  Any free proton introduced to the
vicinity is repelled off, probably generating an ionization cascade.
However, the field distribution in an electrolyte, it being a
conductor, should be negligible provided electrons can penetrate the
vicinity.  This then gives rise to the speculation that the anode
interphase is electron populated, that the electron fugacity is high
there.  Electrons can easily tunnel a couple atomic radii with the
potentials involved.  The high electron fugacity combined with
stretched H-O bonds on H2O molecules, may produce electron catalyzed
fusion via dual nucleon + free electron waveform collapse.

This thought is a bit way out there, but who knows, it may lead to
something better.

Howdy Horace,
Not unnoticed... just full of questions. I am trying to reconcile the production of hydrogen these links describe.


I am beginning to suspect that the technology breakthru will arrive in water treating and desal before new energy. This could be a tail wagging the dog scenario because discovery in water may give the search for energy the boost it needs. Interesting that several large water industry firms are now giving more serious thought to a research consortium to locate in Austin in direct challenge to Singapore's Hydro-Hub consortium.. They have the money and the motive and few alternates. Also, they are not hindered (or saddled perhaps) with the burden of the name "cold fusion". They call it new water treating technology via electro-chemistry not cold fusion. Shazzaam! no more time wasted in rhetoric.


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