>From R.C.Macaulay
> Nick Palmer posted..
> This seems to be the outfit that will be presenting the "breakthrough".
> http://www.icecircle.org/ethos.htm
> copied from their website////  ICE Circle Innovation circle......Our
> philosophy is put inventors with clean energy devices together with circle
> members who have the ability to commercialise clean technologies. ICE Circle
> will look after the inventor's interests to help ensure that everyone gets a
> fair deal. Inventors are concerned about being steamrollered and/or cheated
> by wealthy companies and the public feeling is very much that good
> inventions are bought up by energy companies and then shelved to maintain
> current profits. This initiative is where inventors can safely come to bring
> their inventions to scale.
> Richard

This sounds a lot like Dr. Greer's SEAS organization that was supposed
to have offered financial support, assistance, (& protection) for the
underdog ZPE garage inventor. Curiously the SEAS web site does not
appear to be in existence anymore - at least my own Google searches
have not been successful as of December 2, 2007.

Going back to the source, checking out Greer's Disclosure Home Page
appears to indicate that perhaps SEAS has morphed into the
new-and-improved "AERO, Advance Energy Research Organization."



Greer's AERO'S home page offers a financial incentive award program of
$200,000 up-front and a $5,000,000 two year royalty for a working,
replicable device. Regardless of whether this is an accurate
assessment or not I gather that, so far, there haven't been any
successful takers - or perhaps AERO has chosen (wisely) to conduct
on-going investigations under the public radar. I fear the old SEAS
organization may have been caught crying "wolf" too many times that it
eventually lost the credibility game, but that's just my opinion.

So, what makes the Ice Circle organization believe they will be more
successful than Greer's SEAS, or AERO, endeavors. All I can see at
this point is that the Ice Circle's web site looks a tad more
sophisticated in the visual business model sense than Greer's SEAS
and/or AERO website.

Pardon my cynicism.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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