Thomas sez:

> Michael Foster wrote:
> >Yes, Richard, it's appropriate that you should call this voodoo
> > economics, because that's what it is.  That's as opposed to the
> > time that George H.W. Bush
> >
> >
> I've been expecting the American economy to collapse for 40+ years, and
> as my brother the contractor is quick to point out, I've been wrong
> right along. His son, who is working on a financial degree at Columbia,
> says that the GNP is continuing to grow, allowing us to pay the
> interest, nothing more esoteric than that. Catherin Austin Fitts, Under
> secretary for Housing in Bush I, says that the banking system is
> laundering drug money. I've decided that it is the will of G-d. But I'm
> always reminded of the engineer on the Titanic, who told Captain Smith
> that she had an hour and a half. He was conservative, it took just over
> two hours to sink.

The economy moves in mysterious ways. Oh what the hay. It's as good an
explanation as most others I've heard lately.

Happy Hanukkah, Thomas.!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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