Run as fast as you want...but drive within the speed limit.


----- Original Message -----
From: Remi Cornwall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008 12:18 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hidden Societal Megatrend?

> Yeah John, yeah!
> I know people who are gay, black, white, muslim, jew, disabled, 
> old. I'm no
> bigot. I help the weak and go out of my way to be a gentle-man.
> I know what works and why - I know a woman can't do a fireman's 
> carry of
> someone over 15 stone for 200 yrds, I know that that's why you 
> won't find
> women in the marines, paras or special forces.
> I know that men have an edge in track and field and there again 
> that those
> of West African decent have more fast twitch muscles, but then 
> again over 26
> miles women start edging forward again and may actually better at 
> the men in
> extreme endurance (mmmh, the future of spaceflight could be in the 
> realm of
> women - same brains for the task, less weight).
> I know that more often that not, that boys are difficult to teach 
> and get in
> trouble but then they *create*. Doesn't mean girls don't it just
> statistically more likely. In fact with a weak old, mutation prone Y
> chromosome men are the best or worse of cases.
> I know that Orientals and Jews are more likely to excel at 
> mathematicalsciences. I don't kid myself with politically correct 
> science; they have old
> civilisations that favour gene selection for scholasticism and 
> strong family
> and community structures too.
> I know that Africans do very well in school because of their strong 
> familystructure but are now generally dumbing down when exposed to 
> Caribbeanculture for all the bastardization and despair that group 
> has suffered.
> I know welfare and state medical care does good work but then again 
> strongfamilies and communities and a healthy lifestyle would reduce 
> the budget but
> that would be perceived as 'paternalism'.
> I know the personality profile of those who become CEOs and I know 
> what eats
> out the soul of those in the labour conference at Manchester who 
> say "more
> taxation! nationalise energy production! ban City bonuses, no more fat
> cats!" in that they could only rise to a high position in life, 
> withouttalent, by rabble rousing.
> Then again I know what makes those on the old right tick in denying
> opportunity for all with ability because they want to hold on to the
> hegemony or the stupid greed of the stockbroker short selling but 
> generatingno *net* wealth. 
> I don't think I'm gifted in these observations but I am brave and 
> won't pin
> my colours to any mast and respect those who don't as well.
> I'd like less political parties and more independent thinkers in 
> cabinet.Although there is chain of command, I don't associate being 
> educated with
> being slavish.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Steck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 22 September 2008 16:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Hidden Societal Megatrend?
> Men of the future?  Balls.  It seems like most men of today under 
> 40 in the 
> US.  That's why movies like '300' resonate with men so much.  We 
> pine for 
> the days when men were allowed to be men, expected to be men, and 
> were 
> admired when they were.  We can feel in our bones that we are not 
> being true
> to our natural instincts, our place in the food chain.
> Not to jump in the way-back machine, rap a towel around my head, 
> and forego 
> deodorant altogether, but this is the double edged sword of the 
> pendulum 
> swing.  In our 'enlightened' well intentioned (although highly 
> socialistic) 
> efforts to equalize outcome for all without conflicts of any kind, 
> we have 
> compromised the very socioeconomic backbone of that allows the very 
> luxury 
> of that largess.  It is the harbinger of doom of every great 
> society 
> throughout history.
> Remi, the talent hasn't gone.  It's been surgically removed.... at 
> home, at 
> work, in public.  To lament the outcome of our own self destructive 
> behavior
> 'for the greater good' is laughable.  In a foot race for survival, 
> how much 
> sympathy should someone get who voluntarily hits themselves in the 
> foot with
> a hammer because the person next to them can't (or refuses) to run 
> as fast? 
> That is not 'enlightenment' that's mental illness.
> -john
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Remi Cornwall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Men of the future will be pathetic cowards, gagged, neutered, 
> metro-sexual
> > and inadequate. Then people will start saying, "What's happened, 
> people 
> > used
> > to be so effective, things used to get done around here. Where's 
> the 
> > talent
> > gone?" The answer:  being sued or worse.

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