No one is starting up a crusade, Esa. I certainly don't think of anyone on this 
list as bumbling!
Perhaps jumping to conclusions a bit too soon, but not bumbling!  :-)  I really 
do respect the
knowledge that is contained in this group...  'Banned' for what???  Some of the 
comments made on
this list about Sean and Steorn's intentions are far worse than anything I 
Granted, perhaps the way I chose to express myself was a bit provocative, but 
it seems to me that
most on this collective get a bit peeved, including myself, when a discovery 
gets shot down even
before it has a chance of proving itself... I think most here are bothered by 
the cheap shots
leveled at LENR, by people who haven't bothered to read the recent research.  
It just seemed to me
that some here are behaving in a similar way.
I can understand why some are skeptical now.  Steorn had egg on its face in 
2007.  However, Sean
takes full responsibility for that decision because the other engineers at 
Steorn said they didn't
understand the details enough to do a public demo. That was a very tough lesson 
to learn, and you
can bet that Sean wasn't going to make that mistake again!  So they took 
another 2+ years to do the
experiments to understand what they were dealing with... and here we are today. 
 Be patient and let
them divulge their technology the way they see fit...
There are MANY things that Steorn is doing that is quite different from 
1) They SPECIFICALLY laid out EXACTLY how they were going to proceed to 
demonstrate their technology
2) They have followed that plan, with one minor delay due to very bad weather.  
No other excuses...
3) They have instruments to show their measurements; they don't just expect you 
to take their word
for it.
4) They will be letting people bring in their own instruments and make their 
own measurements; I've
never seen this before, well except perhaps with Thane's work.
5) The thermal imaging was done by an objective third party
6) The calorimetry will also be done by an objective third party 
Each demo is meant to show one or two specific, important elements of the 
technology, and then to
allow some time for a polite, reasonable critique and rebuttal on their Forum 
so they hope to answer
any of the rational criticisms.  So far, this is exactly what has occurred.  
Whether or not one
accepts Sean's rebuttals is entirely up to them... but at least he is 
responding in a direct, polite
manner, and giving out some very specific details... enough for replications to 
be making good
progress in a very short time.
Just because this plan for demonstrating their technology isn't the way you'd 
go about it, doesn't
mean they are being devious or disingenuous.  Yes, agreed... they aren't 
dragging this out like many
others... and soon we'll be thru the demos and better able to make our own 
decisions as to the
reality of it all.  



From: Esa Ruoho [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Back EMF: Sean may be right

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Mark Iverson <> wrote:

This is ANOTHER key element WHICH Sean HAS ALSO MENTIONED, to quote him, 
"...and by very careful and
specific positioning of the coils..."  But then, you guys wouldn't know that 
since you prefer to
spend your valuable time speculating here instead of trying to educate 

Now now, Mark, let this not turn into another Paul Lowrance issue, where 
someone starts up a crusade
against "those bumbling idiots on vortex-list" and gets himself banned. Let's 
be civil now. This is
simply a case of a few people deciding that it's all smoke'n'mirrors, and 
therefore to devote any
time to it would be a waste of time.. and then taking the time to write about 
how much of a scam it
is. I value your input to this list, so let's not go down the road of who was 
bought by who, who is
x and who is y. 
It'll only take a while for Steorn/Sean's claims to be meaningful or not.

I see on another list, Rick Friedrich is already digging into Steorn being a 
total Bedini rip-off,
you can see such conversations between Friedrich and McCarthy at:

Again, I have no opinion on this, but have a firm feeling that Steorn have 
purposefully kept from
immersing themselves in Free Energy -scene, they also don't know what 
Friedrich/Bedini have, and
thus I would take the "net worth of your advice/knowledge, since you give it 
for 0$, is, obviously,
0$" comment from McCarthy towards Friedrich, with a pinch of salt.

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