RE: the Rick Friedrich / Sean McC exchange...
I watched a few of Rick's YT videos and his device is NOTHING like Steorn's.  
The ones I saw used
simple solenoidal coils and not positioned symmetrically.  Yes, he was lighting 
some LEDs and
claiming to be charging a battery, but there were no instruments in the vids I 
watched... perhaps
there are other vids where he does have adequate instrumentation?  If you have 
one vid that you
think is solid evidence that Mr F's device is novel, pls provide the link and 
I'll watch it...
I have also read his comments (more like accusations) and Sean's rebuttal, 
which was unemotional,
unaccusatorial, and based more on facts than Mr F's comments.  Here are just 
three of Sean's
Hi Sterling, 
This is really my last mail on this subject, but having just read the latest 
long and rambling post
from Rick Friedrich - I guess that I must point out the factual inaccuracies. 
First in a long list of errors is his reference to the term 'classic'. As 
anyone who has watched our
latest video will understand we compare a classic pulse motor (a normal 
conservative electric motor)
to Orbo. We make no reference to Orbo being a classic. 
2 - The gentleman in question refers to the fact that Orbo contains unnecessary 
parts in order to
'hide' its similarities to whatever three monopole OU motor that he believes he 
has developed. As
seen in the experiments there are no unnecessary parts - all parts are shown 
and Orbo has no
relationship whatsoever to any 'three monopole' motor.
3 - Clearly the gentleman in question does not understand the complexity of 
thermal imaging when
conducted under strong camera lighting. The thermal camera equipment, operator 
and advice on use was
subcontracted to Ireland's leading thermal imagery company - Steorn had no 
involvement in the
operation, settings or use (the settings had to be optimized to rainbow mode I 
have been advised due
to the heat from the camera lighting). 
[the other 5 not included for brevity]
Having read Mr F's post and Sean's reply, Mr. F loses hands down.  Not that Mr. 
F doesn't have
something novel in his device, I don't have enough knowledge of it to make that 
determination, but
it is very different from Orbo.  It is perfectly clear to me that Mr. F's post 
is filled with
emotional accusations and numerous factual inaccuracies, and mixing of 
unrelated observations which
I have seen numerous times from scammers... Bluntly put, my initial impression 
of Mr. F wasn't a
good one!


From: Esa Ruoho [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Back EMF: Sean may be right

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Mark Iverson <> wrote:

I see on another list, Rick Friedrich is already digging into Steorn being a 
total Bedini rip-off,
you can see such conversations between Friedrich and McCarthy at:

Again, I have no opinion on this, but have a firm feeling that Steorn have 
purposefully kept from
immersing themselves in Free Energy -scene, they also don't know what 
Friedrich/Bedini have, and
thus I would take the "net worth of your advice/knowledge, since you give it 
for 0$, is, obviously,
0$" comment from McCarthy towards Friedrich, with a pinch of salt.

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