On 01/19/2010 04:37 AM, Mark Iverson wrote:

> It all comes down to how would you want others to treat you if you
> were in their situation?

No, it doesn't.  It comes down to, what are the odds that they're on the

If I claimed to have a free energy solution but produced zero proof of
it, and years went by and I continued to claim this and continued to
produce zero proof of it, and if my claimed solution violated known and
well understood and well tested physical laws, I would *expect*
intelligent, educated people who have a good grounding in the physics of
E&M and who have some understanding of what is sometimes the response of
some dishonest people to situations in which everyone desperately wants
a solution to an as yet unsolved problem (energy shortage and global
warming, in this case) to conclude with near 100% certainty that I was a
con man.

If I claimed to have a 100% effective cure for cancer that required no
drugs or surgery or radiation but I produced no proof, I would expect
the same reaction.  But I'd also expect a few people to decide I was
telling the truth, and defend me against all comers, and maybe even
invest money in my company.  Some of those people would have cancer, and
some would have family members with cancer, and I would expect them to
be my most ardent defenders.

Mankind springs eternal at Hope's breast.

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