>From Jed:


> Honestly, they [Japan] should have had enough sense to attack the Dutch only,
> instead of Pearl Harbor. I doubt the U.S. would have declared war on Japan 
> over
> colonies of an occupied European country.

Interesting conjecture, Jed. I recommend you send your hypothesis to
Harry Turtledove. Harry's a renowned S.F. writer who has explored
numerous alternative historical events. It might give him something to
ponder, for a future novel. ;-)

Personally, I'm not convinced it would have panned out as you have
speculated. Keep in mind Germany at the same time was fast becoming an
ugly tinderbox that would eventually explode across the geopolitical
map. Seems to me a global bar fight was fast approaching.

IMO, had Japan attacked the Dutch East Indies and secured its
desperately needed oil reserves I think it's very likely that the rest
of the world (U.S. included) would have become increasingly more
concerned about Japan's future intentions. In any case, it is probably
extremely lucky that Japan "chose poorly" and attacked PH when it did.
The infamous event forced our hand. Had Japan gone after DEI instead
of PH, we would have, first of all, probably hemmed and hawed for
several more years, and in the meantime who knows how much stronger
Japan's military strength might have increased by.

Jed, you're a historical scholar of sorts. And you know a lot about
Japan. I'm curious, and I really don't know the answer to this
question. In your opinion, do you think Japan would have stopped their
expansionist plans after securing DEI?

If not, things could have turned out to have been much more bloody for
both sides.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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