Finally! Sanity emerges ... 

...and make no mistake, hot fusion is truly a dead-end technology...
and one that has zero chance of creating job - except of course for the
failed group of over-compensated proponents who have put self-interest above
the common good for far too many years.

Take less than one per cent of that budget - and start offering "x-prizes"
to groups that can show progressively better gains from f/H, LENR and ZPE
(Casimir) techniques, and we will substitute 'brilliance' for 'insanity' and
more importantly - end our sinful over-reliance on fossil fuels.

END of mini-rant


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton

"It is irresponsible to invest huge amounts in a dead-end technology
without creating jobs in this period of financial crisis," said Green
group politician Claude Turmes."

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