>From Robin:

>>Unfortunately, this will not work. The "text" on individual pages are
>>actually rasterized graphic images. None of the "text" is represented
>>in vectored font format, and therefore will not scale up.
> [snip]

> It works fine when I do it.

...when you use "Ctrl-+"? in this circumstance, I highly doubt that.

My FireFox web browser is incapable of zooming in on the John G.
Melvin text by using the CTRL-+ function - both at home and at work. I
surmise that it's incapable of zooming in on the "text" because it
isn't text. The pages are actually graphic imagery. Meanwhile my
FireFox web browser is more than capable of zooming in on other web
pages that DO contain text using FireFox's built-in CTRL-+ function.
Therefore, my FireFox browser isn't broken, and I doubt your statement
that using FireFox's CTRL-+ "works fine" is an accurate assessment in
this particular situation. Actually, I think there may have been a

Fortunately, this is all irrelevant since Harry has graciously pointed
out the fact that there exists a built-in ZOOM function that is
incorporated into the www.scribd.com web site itself. I don't need
FireFox to do the "zooming" for me.. www.scribd.com does the actual
zooming. It's located at the bottom left-hand side bar of the web
browser, nest to the "scroll" button. The supplied www.scribd.com
function DOES zoom into the graphically scanned pages and effectively
increases the resolution of the text to a reasonable "readable"

Steven Vincent Johnson

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