Yes!  I like it & its sounding much like an accurate accessment of 'spontneous 
ORIGINS PLASMA BURST induced event' which is probably the logical replacement 
formula for now archaic big-bang excuse formulations.  And Big-Bang melded with 
57Varieties String Theory connotes way too many physics-academician 
institution-sponsored-overpaid tweedy-whiz-kids drinking far too much Guiness 
while laughing uncontrollably at the 'maroon' public's gullibility that 
swallows their inane leaps of unarticulable fancy!  

Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 16:36:17 -0600
Subject: Re: Elements from "HypersSpace `10^54 mag neutral occilators from 
ingress super plasma," Hyperdimensional Torsion/Singularity 
Physics//Znidarsic/Hutchison/Podkletnov/"yep, looks like it's accidentally been 
done; and they darn near killed themslves do

Yep, there are apparently a lot of units that can be included in a burst!!!
 You might also like my take off of the Scroedinger Equation, when I get around 
to writing it up on here rather than in my handwritten notes at home.
, I point out that the second derivatives on the x, y , z coordinates of the 
basic "Energy Wave " considered in the mathematical conventions of positive 
numbers with Cartesian Coordinates, when followed logically, describe only one 
type of unit, albeit in ten dimensions; 

 [Each double integration adds three dimensions, doing this three times gives 
nine dimensions, and the combination of the right, up, forward, "positive 
numbers" conventions adds a counter clockwise twist to the whole thing which 
adds a tenth dimension}
This creates a "picture of a model" which is rotating counter clockwise into 
the octant to the right, up and forward from the chosen origin, so, right at 
the start, The Wave Function  is covering only 10/80 of the dimensions of 
reality, we can go on doubling up, clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, in 
rather than out, integrating with welocity constant rather than mass, I think 
I'm up to ten out of 640 at this point, and,l think that I could double up a 
couple of more times, .In other words, If Schroedinger's Equation be valid as a 
descriptor, it is of a very limited view of the possibilities.
Whoops, looks like I just gave a summary of my notes on the idea, with a few 
steps left out which I think you can fill in easily....

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:41 PM, Jack O Suileabhain 
<> wrote:

POSIT:  Hyperdimensional Torsion/Singularity Physics Model//RE: Frank 
Znidarisic & Hutchison-Podkletnov Effect 
Casimir Collapse creates rebound toroidal Plasma-Breach point-opening-burst 
Singularity effect accessing Ingress Super Plasma
from parallel DarkEnergyDensity Hyperspace. 
INGRESS HYPERSPACE SUPER PLASMA----> AKA/also known as   PER: Dean Sinclair as  
"10^54 orders of magnetude of neutral occilators per cubic centimeter!  Hi 

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