LeClair said as follows:

 “The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter wave
soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed the Jacobi
Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of large doubly-periodic
vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab”.

What could it all mean - a translation.


IMHO,  this is a misspelling of Conoid

In geometry <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometry>, a *conoid* is a Catalan
surface <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_surface> all of whose rulings
intersect a fixed line <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_(geometry)>,
called the *axis* of the conoid. If all its rulings are perpendicular to
its axis, then the conoid is called a right


A vortex sheet can be described by a Conoid. A vortex sheet is a two
dimensional topological boundary where a fluid is subjected to shear
stresses when there is different speeds of flow of the liquid on the
surface of the vortex sheet.


The liquid boundary at the edge of the vortex sheet will tend to curl over
into two counter rotational vortexes.



*Aircraft Wake Turbulence*

Two counter rotational vortexes will form at the edges of the vortex sheet.

In cavitation, a vortex grows powerful because vortexes tend combine
together into larger vortexes (aka solitons).

LeClair considers these solitons to be string vortexes that form matter
(aka marions)


*Monopole and vortex content of a meron pair*

By the way, a “marion pair” will reduce the charge of an electron in
fractional quantum hall effect by sharing the electron charge between the
pair of them.


 “Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.”

Cavitation will produce a huge quantity of vortexes.

 These EMF Vortexes (aka ball lightning) will penetrate walls including
reactor walls and move freely in space.

 Mobile vortex references supplied upon request.

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