On 31/01/2007, at 7:58 AM, Paul Mulroney wrote:

Hi Everyone,

This is a weird one. I've got iTunes 7.0.2 running on my iBook, OSX 10.4.8, and I've noticed recently that iTunes is just starting up automatically. I'll quit iTunes, and then a few minutes later it starts again by itself.

Hi Paul,

A couple of things you could check.

Do you have any iTunes related Widget running, ("iTunes" and "iTunes Artwork")
 if so disable them and watch if the problem disappears.
Are you actually "quitting" iTunes by going to the iTunes Menu > Quit iTunes or by the keyboard (Command+Q)?

Or are you just clicking on the red button at the top of the program window, which actually does not quit the program. (The program is still open if you see a small rectangle symbol under the icon in the dock.)
