On 31/01/2007, at 11:17 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

On 31 Jan 2007, at 10:12am, Paul Weaver wrote:
It's actually quite difficult for most people to become a Mac user
compared to a PC.



This is a question which is worth a whole discussion group all by itself (and there are already many such in existence). One of my clients runs an all-Mac environment, with frequent coming and going of new staff. Almost invariably, new staff have had little or no meaningful exposure to the Mac platform, and have been raised to believe that Windows is the One True Way . They desperately seek out, and confine themselves to, any Microsoft software they can find, and live in fear and confusion, never recovering from the lack of a Start button, a networked "S: Drive", or a second Mouse button.

I'm going to stop now in case this turns into a massive diatribe, but I think it's true that many Windows users do find it difficult to change to the Mac, simply because the things they expect to find are not where they "should be". For many, the Dock is confusing, until they are shown what it is actually for; Exposé is just too weird and annoying; one person I know decries the Cube effect when swapping between User Accounts as being "too Mac-like".

Fundamentally, the Mac doesn't work like Windows, so it's too hard. Fortunately, those who do make the paradigm shift tend to come out of it richer for it and begin to see the light, but these tend to be the lateral thinkers. Paul does have a point, but it has nothing to to with inherent ease of use in either Mac OS or Windows: it's a cultural thing.

The interesting thing to me is that (in my observation, at least) Mac users tend to have far less trouble using Windows (once they figure out that crazy Start Button thingy). Perhaps Mac users tend to think more laterally by nature... :-)

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.