On 20/7/10 10:27 PM, "Pedro" <pfow...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Evening all
> Am having some shut down problems with my other half's 27" iMac.
> 3.06 GHz intel core duo
> 4GB  1067  MHz
> OS X  10.6.4
> Every time we shut it down (from the apple menu) the following happens, the
> screen darkens like a curtain coming down and the following warning comes up.
> 'You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button until it turns
> off,
> then press the power button again'
> This is repeated in several languages.
> The restart goes as normal and with no problems except for the following
> warning 
> ' You shut down the computer because of a problem' with an option to report or
> ignore   
> Any help gratefully received
> regards
> Pedro

Hi Pedro

What you've mentioned is called a Kernel Panic.
It can happen for a variety of reasons, both software based and hardware

First thing I would try is to repair Permissions from Disk Utility.
After that if still problems, reinstall the 10.6.4 Combo update from the
Apple download.

If you're fairly game, you can also work through Console (Applicataions -
Utility Folder - Console). That can sometimes list what is causing the
Kernel Panic and point to the problem.

These three links may also help to trace the problem,...

Kind regards

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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