When I upgraded to 10.8.5 attachment tamer was disabled on Mail and the message 
was that it was incompatible.

I'll check back with Lokiware in a week or two to see if its been updated.

Sent from my iPad

On 15/09/2013, at 6:27 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hey Daniel it is perfectly ok to disagree with me ;-))
> If you want or require more control over how Apple Mail handles 
> attachments... icon-versus-inline graphic problems... 'Attachment Tamer' is a 
> well recommended plug-in (I have used it ;-)
> Because Attachment Tamer changes the way Mail sends and processes messages, 
> it greatly increases the probability that the sender AND recipient will both 
> see attachments the same way.
> My comments to Laura were made because I have found that most problems in 
> Apple Mail are caused by a plug-in or add-on that is not updated regularly to 
> be compatible with Mail/OS X updates.
> Laura might not be using the current version Attachment Tamer 3.1.13, or 
> perhaps it is not compatible; as I mentioned below Lokiware mentioned - 
> version 3.1.13 "preliminary compatibility with the upcoming OS X 10.8.5 
> update".
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
> On 14/09/2013, at 7:34 PM, Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>> I haven't yet installed the 10.8.5 update (haven't gotten around to it),…but 
>> I do use Attachment Tamer, and love it. So can't say if it gets turned off 
>> straight away on all systems.
>> (not often I disagree with your Ronni, but this time I think I will,….lol) 
>> ;o) (meant in the nicest way of course).
>> For me, the biggest advantage is when I send out PDF's to clients as 
>> invoices, Attachment Tamer automatically makes them "Show as icon", rather 
>> then in Place like Mail does.
>> Also, it will keep the attachment where I want it to go, rather then at the 
>> top or bottom of an email. Plus a few other things it does quite well, that 
>> Apple Mail "just isn't quite there yet".
>> Don't get me wrong, I know I don't "need" it,…I just "like" it,… ;)) hehe.
>> It's one of the first things I add when installing a new system of mine. :o)
>> Had to bite,..couldn't resist,…lol :o)) 
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> Sent from my iPhone 5
>> ---
>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> **For everything Apple**
>> NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and 
>> as such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of 
>> MacWizardry. Any information provided does not offer or warrant any form of 
>> warranty or accept liability. It would be appreciated that if any 
>> information in this email is to be disseminated, distributed or copied, that 
>> permission by the author be requested. 
>> On 14/09/2013, at 7:00 PM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Laura,
>>> Lokiware have not updated Attachment Tamer version 3.1.13, and Lokiware 
>>> only mentioned  that version 3.1.13 - "preliminary compatibility with the 
>>> upcoming OS X 10.8.5 update".
>>> So if you feel you absolutely require Attachment Tamer you will have to 
>>> wait until they update the plug-in. 
>>> You should not need a third party plug-in for Attachments in Mountain Lion 
>>> Apple Mail.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>> On 14/09/2013, at 6:05 PM, Laura Webb <el...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>> Good evening all
>>>> I have been using Attachment Tamer for several years. After successfully 
>>>> installing the latest Mountain Lion Combo on MacMini I received a message 
>>>> that Attachment Tamer has been removed. Presumably this means it is not 
>>>> compatible with the update. 
>>>> I've tried the Attachment Tamer web page but can't seem to find out how to 
>>>> contact them.
>>>> Hoping someone can help.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Laura
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