thanks to those who provided advice on my upgrade form 10.6.8 to Lion 10.7.5 - 
Daniel , Ronni etc

I had a significant problem with iCloud after the update. - ie mail iCal, 
address book not working at all ( crashing)

Eventually I rang Apple support and with the help of Harris in Sydney, fixed it 
up - took about 90 mins on the phone and his screen watching utility 

solution was a complete removal of User>Library folder

Evidently its a known fault that some people have issues with iCloud when 
upgrading and the heavy weight solution is to remove the library altogether , 
then rebuild it slowly via Time machine.

So its now working okay

My peeves with Lion are

In Preview

Save As has gone. instead   we have "save a version", "duplicate" - which does 
not suit me at all.
How do I change an image resolution /size now?

Lions Safari 5.1.7 does not work - (crashes on opening)

I copied v 5.1.10 from a macbook, and have to keep it in a separate folder .



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