On 13/02/2015, at 6:04 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> <Snip>
>> Lions Safari 5.1.7 does not work - (crashes on opening)
> Your running an OLD Version of Safari for Lion, Apple released Safari 6.1.6 
> for OS X 10.7.5
> Have you run Software Update to see if it shows the Safari update?
> If not you will can download it from here:
> Download Safari 6.1.6 (OS X 10.7.5) 
> Cheers,
> Ronni

Hi Ronni
thanks for that link.   Software update shows no Safari update - only iTunes 
12.1 and lexmark printer 3.0

I did look for an update manually but could Not find a later Safari.  


shows safari 5.1.10 as the latest!


gary dorn

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