>>I have done some decoding on Mr. Schwump's name and I think I may have
hit on something.  When I unscrambled the name Schwump, I came up with
Chump.  Maybe this is his real name and the writers of TAGS scrambled it
to hide his true identity.   Ken Anderson.<<

Ken, you seem to be asking questions about some of my favorite subjects
lately.   I had a theory about where the name came from.    I wrote this
2-3 years ago when a new guy named Randy came to the Digest.     He
asked about our favorite topic of late, Mr. Schwamp.  Here's what I said
then, and I stand by the theory.  Obviously I'm on the side of keeping
the mystery.  As I've said before, and someone said yesterday, he is our
"old Sam"  If you can't tell, this is in the spirit of "Yes, Virginia,
there is a Santa Claus".
(Just one note on the spelling.  It was spelled with an A in the script,
according to one of the book authors, so that's why I spell with an A.)

Well Randy, Welcome to the club, in more than one way.  Welcome to all
the new members who have joined.  Looks like some right nice folks, and
awesome Andy fans.  Those are the kind of members we got here at our
Esquire Clu...I mean at the Digest.

Randy, your question caught my eye, because with your first question,
you have hit upon the holy grail of Mayberry mysteries.  You might as
well have asked what Opie's mother looked like.   You are as likely to
get an answer to that as you are to what Sarah looked like with a pinch
of snuff in her cheek.   You're more likely to find a photograph of the
spirit of Count Istvan Telecky.  Why you might as well wonder if
Barney's Juanita at the Diner was a blonde from a bottle or how Gomer
mysteriously only knew about gas oil air and water one day, and was a
genius mechanic the next.    Yes Randy,  there is a Santa Claus...er I
mean there is a Schwamp and he is real.  There is no actor behind the
man as far as any of us knows.

Now don't get me wrong, this is a right smart bunch of people and there
are a whole bunch of "trained noticer's"  Why they can tell you how many
times Barney's hair went from combed to mussed up and back again while
he was reciting the preamble to the constitution.  They can tell you
when the film negative got turned around and Andy's hair appeared parted
on the wrong side.  They can name every girlfriend seen and unseen that
Andy or Barney ever had.  They can name Background Actors from Bob
McQuain to Mary Lansing to Allan Melvin,  to Joe Hamilton, Tom Jacobs
and on down the list except.....Mr. Schwamp and Hazel the pianist.  

Now maybe just maybe there is somebody out there the knows...but if
there is, they ain't sayin.   We've give 'em the Barney Fife "Peter Pipe
nose-pinching, one-leg hoppin, ruler slappin, spotlight staring,
dream-talking, intercom listenin' checker playin,  fingerprintin'
interrogation test..but their lips are as sealed as Schwamp
himself..they aint talkin, they ain't talkin'  the more we ask, the more
their balkin...but in reality, Nobody Knows!!!

I'm a leading conspiracy theorist on the Schwamp mystery.  The annuls
and archives of this Digest will document my theories that Schwamp was
a) a party animal who was known to drink a little too much Root Beer,
and b) that his occupation was that of the local funeral director (but
more on that later)

Your question has prompted me to offer yet another Schwamp hypothesis.
One day, on the set of the Andy Griffith show, a producer says to a
casting director.  We need a smiling child-like homely winsome affable
meek person  to play the part of a memorable reappearing Extra.   They
need to be ready for the Mrs. Wiley party scene of the upcoming  "My
Fairest Ernest T Bass" episode.

The casting director went through dozens of applicants, and hundreds of
photos trying to find the right person, with no luck.  That night, on
the way home, the casting director stopped in a restaurant 
for a cup of coffee.  As he was pondering the tough assignment, another
customer sitting alone in a booth, lowered his newspaper and smiled and
nodded at the exhausted casting director.   The details of what happened
next are not totally known, but the story goes that the unassuming
restaurant customer had such a stuttering problem that the interview
took hours.

The next day the casting director walked proudly into the Producer's
office with his discovery.  The smallish man was dressed in a new suit,
but wore his own bad hair piece.  Around his neck the casting director
had hung a sign  that said "smiling child-like homely winsome affable
meek person".   The Producer read the sign aloud "Smiling Child-like
Homely Winsome Affable Meek Person"  (S.C.H.W.A.M.P.) He smiled.  The
casting director grinned broadly and repeated "Smiling Child-like Homely
Winsome Affable Meek Person"     They laughed together and repeated
aloud together "Smiling Child-like Homely Winsome Affable Meek Person"
while the mystery guest just smiled and nodded.

Then the producer stopped laughing and asked, "what will we call him?"
...and the rest as they say is history

The Untrained Voice
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