There is a new movie out I am thinking about going to see call the Great
Debaters (or something like that).  When I think about Debaters the name
Edna Thoge just rolls of my tongue  (You know Mayberry Debate
team..didn't make it to the Mayberry Class Reunion but Ralph Haynes wife
did, who was also a debater from another school).

I was just pondering...who were Mayberry's Great debaters?? And what
were some of the most memorable debates?
Now a debate had to be civil-like, so we can't count Fred and Jenny when
they were throwin dishes at each other.

Who are your favorite debaters, and what were the topics of your
favorite debates?

Some were organized  forums..some were just on  "on the street" some
were between lovers, and some between folks who did not care for each

I'll save mine for now, so as not to influence.                 Time for
a commercial break

Speaking of debates, let me make a nice neighborly comment.

Allen recently posted the rules about how we are to stay positive on
this board, and that the discussion is to be related to the Andy
Griffith Show. 

Let me point out as gently as possible that , though he does let us get
off on some tangents, I think the intent may have been to say..this is
not the TVLAND programming/language airing  Discussion Board.
Bob Bravetta brought up a couple weeks ago that that particular string
(Tvland programming) was getting old.  Now Bob is like Jud or Asa to me.
He's been around this part of Mayberry forever (which is about 20 years.
I ain't sayin Bob is old)  Bob in a charter member of this Digest, and
when Bob says that's enough, and Allen posts the rules (and he's a
charter member too!!)  I think we should honor them and go along with

Lets see if we can keep our TVLand Dialog about the Andy Griffith Show,
other than a plug or two now and then of how to take that discussion to
them (TVLAND) OK??
So who are your favorite Debaters  
And What was the  subject of the best debates

It Might Work
It Might Not
But It Might
Ok, But it Might now work

The Untrained Voice,  not fast enough for the Debate Team  Ju---dy
Ju--dy   Ju---dy   I can't do it

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