TAGS fans,

As I'm watching episodes lately, I've decided I want
Andy's house.  Not that the layout is perfect, but
it's got some incredible features:
- There's a front closet there when you need it, but
it disappears when it's not crucial to that day's
plot--I mean, needs.
- A moveable back door.  Need more room in the
kitchen, or the morning sun's too bright while you
read the Gazette?  No problem, just move the door.
- Unwanted guests coming?  Just tell them you don't
have a guest room.  Pretty almost cousin coming over? 
You've got a guest room.
- Front porch that expands to meet the needs of the
- Really tall ceiling over the dining table.  Don't
know why that's important, but it might come in handy.
- When the closet's there, you have a good spot for a
piano and an extra bookcase.  (Just remember not to
leave the Geographic you're wanting to read on the
bookcase if Aunt Bee's planning on putting the whole
closet away!)
- Removeable back porch.  Can hold a freezer (complete
with golfball and dead mouse), or can be removed if
you need to plant spinach or tie up a horse.
- Closet clothes rod that's strong enough to hold up a
147 pound deputy.

Downsides: there are no bathrooms downstairs.

Still, it's in Mayberry, so I'll take it!


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