My Barney Experience

This past Sunday, my church had a special event called Worship in the
City.  Basically we had 4,000 or so people from our church and others
combine for an outside service in a park right in the middle of a big
city.  I signed up for Kid-watch..which I wasn't sure what would be
involved.  When I got there, they explained that our job was to walk the
perimeter and make sure that children stayed with their families (did
not run out into the street etc.), and that no one tried to walk off
with a child that did not belong to them. 

While I was absorbing this responsibility that was more sobering than I
thought, the lady handed me a whistle on a string.  She said, if you
have any issues, or questionable situations..just blow your whistle.  

Well,  I was  wearing a stick-on name-tag that said Kid-watch (kinda
like a badge) ..and now a whistle is placed around my neck.  I
immediately starting hearing the Barney Fife theme music in my head that
is played when he is patrolling in front of the cells, or getting
serious about a police assignment.  I went totally Barney Fife in my
head.  I was not going to just look for stray kids, but by golly I had
my eye out for pick-pockets, Jay-walkers, Chicken thieves (sorry
Harriet) and parking violations.   I was there to serve the people and
assist other law enforcement officers, and protect the Common Defense.
When my friends saw me strutting around I just tipped my hat and pointed
to the whistle (as if to say..take it easy, I've got everything under

Luckily, nothing really happened.  I gave directions to the port-o-lets
a few times.  I told a few kids to stay closer to their Mothers, and I
picked up a little trash,,but I was ready for anything,  Giving me that
whistle was like Goober getting a badge, or Deputy Jerry Miller when he
slipped on the uniform with a badge,  You just can't help to be a
law-enforcement rube.  

The Untrained Voice (and Untrained Officer of the Church Patrol)

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