>>>There was a point in the middle of the episode where Andy missed a
chance to teach Opie a life lesson.  When Opie and Andy are in the
living room and Andy is looking at the mosaic, Opie tells Andy that some
of his friends came over earlier that day and laughed at the mosaic<<<
Orville Hendricks -

Orville, you bring up an interesting point.   We all know that Andy was
not perfect when it came to raising his son.    He had to consider also
how Opie felt about being proud of his home..so this was a tough choice.
Perhaps with time to think about it, he would have come up with a
compromise..such as hanging it in his bedroom.  "Now Otis every day when
I wake up..I'll be reminded of your rehabilitation..and I'll see that
cow and want to come down to the kitchen for a glass of milk."  I think
the fact that he stashed it in the closet was what a little insulting to

Even a self-proclaimed Number 1 Schwamp fan has trouble with the
question..did Mr. Schwamp ever wear glasses more that that one time? but
that's the only one I recall.  In the Seth Taylor Episode, he had on a
big hat, and you really have to look close to find him.  He' usually in
a suit jacket and tie, but not always.

He's often at parties or social events, and often appears with Nice
Dress Nellie.  


Check out our Schwamp page for his "known" appearances, and check him
out.  It's was  like a fun "Where's Waldo" video book when I made that
list...but likely I missed some pages.

To add to the Mayberry is everywhere theme, there was a homeless guy in
the local area who knowingly committed a crime for the shelter a food or
a local jail.  What does that remind you of.  I wonder if he got
breakfast in bed like Otis?

The Untrained Voice

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