Vic Friskey asked about people on TAGS who won an Oscar after Andy went off the 
air.  Of course there was Jack Nicholson, who won 3 Oscars.   One Flew Over The 
Cucoo's Nest, Terms of Endearments, and As Good As It Gets.   Then Opie won an 
Oscar for directing the movie "A Beautiful Mind".  There are probably more, but 
those two leap to mind.
As for actors who appeared in Oscar winning movies, that question is a little 
fuzzy.  Do you mean actors who appeared in movies which won the Oscar for Best 
Picture, or for people who appeared in movies that won an Oscar of any kind.  
If you are speaking of actors who appeared in movies that won an Oscar for Best 
Picture, then Jack Nicholson was in One Flew Over The Cucoo's Nest which won 
best picture.  And then Ron Howard had a small scene in the picture "A 
Beautiful Mind" which he direcsted.  No one else leaps to mind immediately.
If you are speaking of actors on TAGS who appeared in any Oscar winning 
picture, there were dozens.  Briscoe Darling was in The Alamo and Bonnie and 
Clyde.  Mr. Frisby was in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.  Clara Edwards was in 
"Rosemary's Baby".   Emma Brand was in "I'll Cry Tomorrow".  Howard Hessman was 
in "Shampoo".  Ken Lynch was in "Days of Wine and Roses".
Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man.  I certainly was never in any Oscar 
> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 03:33:45 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Victor Friskey <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Mayberrian sighting
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> I watched "Titanic" , the 1997 version with Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate 
> Winslow Sunday night. Because I was an OTR trucker for 20 years including the 
> time this movie came out and subsequently made it to TV..I was never able to 
> see it before now..Lo and the scene where Jack is rescuing Rose 
> from jumping overboard the security guards show up and I couldn't believe who 
> was with them..None other than Mayberry's Malcolm Col. 
> Archibald Gracie...? That got me to thinking and I put a two gallon 
> galvanized bucket on my head to help....Hey, It works...The movie won 11 
> Oscars and I got to thinking of all the movie stars who appeared on TAGS.
> ?
> ?With the bucket still on my head I thought of two movie stars who won Movie 
> Oscars after appearing on TAGs...Can you name them ???
> ?
> There were also four other actors on TAGS who appeared in Oscar winning 
> movies...Can you name them ??
> ?
> After all that thinking I had to get the bucket off my head, so there might 
> be more to this than i know...
> ?
> Vic Friskey
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