Sure is cold here in Wisconsin and we already have snow on the ground.

My squad car has been tucked away safely for the winter at our area Expo
Center.  Always a sad day when I have to say good bye to it for the
winter.  We have decided to scale back some of our exploits next summer.
Will probably not do the parades in Minnesota and a few distant events as I
don't like driving the squad car on the freeways or at night.

Several weeks ago I was the keynote speaker at a district Lions Club
convention.  Yesterday I received the fee that I will be donating to my
hometown library.  They included the following note.

“Officers just met last weekend and tallied all the survey results and your
presentation was at the very top of the EXCELLENT list. Our surveys
indicated a few changes we could/should make with the Convention, but not
one negative thing was said about your presentation. In fact, many people
commented on how entertaining and true to life your presentation was. I,
along with many others there, would strongly recommend to other
organizations to offer your presentation to their groups.”

I thought I would share this with you, not to blow my own horn, but to
illustrate how much people in Wisconsin love to hear about Mayberry.  On
Veterans' Day I called in a local radio talk show and shared my story about
how I visit the Veteran's Home here to give my Mayberry presentation.  We
ran out of time and the host told me to send him information about what I
do with the veterans.  So I sent him an email telling about my Tribute to
the Veterans as part of my Mayberry Presentation.  The next day he read the
entire email I sent and then the three hosts began a discussion about my
antics as the Mayberry Guru and they talked a long time about the wonderful
things about The Andy Griffith Show.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

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