MOU, you have 70 validation errors. They are in two principal groups. One is
the "no such attribute" problem. The other is the entity issue in the php
links. There is one error that seems to indicate you've used an id twice --
to the tower with ye!

Many of the attribute issues have to do with xhtml strict not working well
with other web addons such as flash and php. For example, in php you need
name for the database but xhtml strict only wants id. This cause validation
errors. Same thing with some of the flash.  

The entity problem has to do with the use of "&", the ampersand. Xhtml
doesn't like that. Use either the & or the html number " (source for
html codes is ).

To ease the attribute/id issue switch to a strict html 4.01 doctype. You'll
have to remove the "/>" endings but that's easy enough with a search and
replace. I think this will also resolve the flash errors but I'm not
positive since I don't use flash (to me it rarely adds anything worth seeing
-- but that's just me).



-----Original Message-----
From: Ross ClutterbuckHi all

Comments on a postcard to the usual address.


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