Subject: Re: wdvltalk digest: March 24, 2005
From: Pace Computing Limited <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:58:42 -0800 (PST)
X-Message-Number: 4

Hi everyone, 

I have a client who wants to edit my HTML templates on his
MAC.  He has tried a couple of freebie downloads and a
program called Freeway Express that he paid about $100 for.
 We tried for over an hour on three different programs to
import my temlpate into the program and none of them
worked.  You would think it would be a simple matter of
importing it or browsing for it, but we had no luck.  I am
now wondering about other capabilites such as being able to
edit the HTML.  None of the freebie programs would allo wit
all and the Freeway program only seemed to allow him to
insert bits-n-pieces, certian plug-in types of snippets and
that sort of thing.  He is an extreme novice but he will
need access to the edit the full source AND the convenient
WYSIWYG interface.

My question is that if any of you know a cheap (or even
free) editor that meets these requirements for a MAC?



Jennifer Anderson 
Pace Computing Limited 
Phone: 972-853-0734


First question would be is your template actual html code
or did you 
and manage the site in another wysiwyg editor like
Dreamweaver? If so,
that's likely your problem. Convert your template to html
and he should 
able to browser to it and edit away within another equally




The template in question is hand-coded, HTML 4.01 validted
code.  The issue is that ALL of the WYSIWYG editors out
there that we have found so far for a Mac will not IMPORT
my existing template.  We did find one that would, however
it does not allow him to veiw the HTML.  Well it does, but
when he tries it it alters the code to a "more readable"

He will be using this template for his Ebay auctions and
needs to change the auction text and image link for each
auction himself.  So he needs the WYSIWYG for the text and
he needs to change the link to a new product image for each
auction in the HTML.  Inserting an image the usual way just
won't work in any of these programs as the images are on
his server and the ebay template is pasted into ebay's
description area. All links to all images must be full

He can't use ebay's solution (turbo lister) on a Mac, he
can't use FrontPage, he can't actually read HTML to use a
text editor and Dreamweaver and all other prof. programs
are just too expensive.  I am just wondering if anyone
knows of a product out there that satisfies his WYSIWYG
needs along with being able to view the HTML and edit a
link in there without it morphing all the code into crap.

I did have someone send me a link to Macromedia Contribute
and we are going to try that one next (thanks Stephen for
submitting that for me) but I would also like a backup or
two to try out if this is not what we need.  Neil sent me
one called "bbedit" but he said that is a text editor, so
that won't work either (thanks anyway, Neil :-)

So, does anyone out there have any more ideas on what we
could try here if the Contribute program does not work out?

Thanks again for any and all suggestions... 


Jennifer Anderson 
Pace Computing Limited 
Phone: 972-853-0734

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