Just looking for some slide show/photo viewer recommendations, with links to examples so I can see how they look. It doesn't have to be freeware either, though a good price is always a plus. If one of you has written your own and you'd like to recommend it, that would be great too. Here's my wish list:

1. No coding that is too browser specific (no Active-X stuff).
2. I'd like the slide show generator to produce something that I can embed within my own template page. 3. I'd like it to show thumbnails you can click on, in configurable sizes and arrays. 4. I'd like to know I can add insert new photos to a given collection without too big a fuss.

Thanks for all advise!

FYI, for as long as I've run my site, I've tried to keep the improvised appearance of each page having different layouts, according to the occasion. But now I've just come from the mother of all fairy festivals (Labyrinth of Jarreth in Hollywood), and in addition to the 30 some odd photos I took, at least 1/2 dozen people have sent me nearly 500 photos already! (fairies are VERY vain creatures). So while I still intend to make an interesting 'blend' page about it, the bulk of it will have to go into a viewer/slide show.

Randy (PeterPan)
*         *                                              *
  *                             *
... Second Star to the Right, and Straight on Till Morning!
      *                  *                  *

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