Ignore the very last line. Cut and paste error.

On Friday, December 21, 2012 12:43:34 AM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Actually I like your solution. It could be even easier.
> class attr(object):
>      def __init__(self,key,value):
>           self.key=key
>           self.value=value
> class DIV(object):
>     def __init__(self,*components,**attributes):
>         self.components = []
>         self.attributes = attributes
>         for x in components:
>              if isinstance(x,attr): self.attributes[x.key]=x.value
>              else: self.components.append(x)
> print DIV('hello','world',attr('data-something','value'),_class='myclass')
> <div data-something='value' class='myclass'>helloworld</div>
>         ...
> DIV('hello','world',attr('data-something')='value')
> On Thursday, December 20, 2012 4:02:45 PM UTC-6, Arnon Marcus wrote:
>> Pfff...
>> The creator of web2py says he wishes he could do web3py some other way, 
>> but can't...
>> Am I the only one that finds that funny? :)
>> web3py will end up however you wish it to end up as...
>> You can do whatever you want with it, as it's already inherently 
>> backwards incompatible (python 3.x), and is not even fully planned yet...
>> If anyone at any time could change things, it would be you guys and at 
>> this time...
>> How about putting auxiliary attributes "front and center"?
>> Data-* attributes are already a part of the standard of HTML5 and 
>> most-if-not-all browsers support them.
>> Single-Page apps are also not even considered a novelty anymore, and 
>> we're in a Renaissance of data-binding frameworks...
>> I mean, I guess I could do this:
>> def DATA(name, value):
>>     return {('_data-' + name):str(value)}
>> Then:
>> DIV( "{{MyVar}}", **DATA( "ng-controller", "MyController" ) )
>> =>
>> DIV( "{{MyVar}}", **{ "_data-ng-controller": "MyController" } )
>> =>
>> <div data-ng-controller="MyController">{{MyVar}}</div>
>> and:
>> DIV( "{{MyVar}}", **DATA( "bind", "text: MyVar" ) )
>> =>
>> DIV( "{{MyVar}}", **{ "_data-bind": "text: MyVar" } )
>> =>
>> <div data-bind="text: MyVar">{{MyVar}}</div>
>> But hell, you can make the TAG classes able to receive DATA 
>> class-instances, that other people can sub-class/modify to implenet the 
>> interface for different frameworks.
>> A generic DATA class may look something like this:
>> class DATA:
>>     namespace = ""
>>     aggregate = False
>>     seperator = ": "
>>     delimiter = ", "
>>     def __init__(self, **attrs):
>>         self.attrs = dict(**attrs)
>>         ...
>>     def parse( self ):
>>         parsed = ""
>>         if aggregatre:
>>             parsed += 'data-' + ns + '="'
>>             for k, v in items(self.attrs):
>>                 parsed += k + seperator + v + delimiter
>>             parsed = parsed[:-len(delimiter)] + '"'            
>>         else:
>>             ns  = namespace + '-' if namespace else ''
>>             for k, v in items(self.attrs):
>>                 parsed += 'data-' + ns + k + '="' + v + '"'
>>         return parsed  
>> And have your TAG classes do something like:
>> class <TAG>:
>>     def __init__(self, content, *vars, **args):
>>         ...
>>         parsed = [ var.parsed() for var in *vars if isinstanceof(var, 
>> DATA) ]
>>         ...
>>         <use parsed somehow>
>>         ...
>> Angular guys may then do something like this:
>> DATA.namespace = "ng"
>> BUTTON( "Delete", DATA( click="destroy()", show="project._id".) )
>> =>
>> <button data-ng-click="destroy()" 
>> data-ng-show="project._id">Delete</button>
>> or:
>> class ngDATA( DATA ):
>>     namespace = "ng"
>> + <use ngDATA instead of DATA in the html helpers>
>> Knockout guys could do this:
>> DATA.namespace = "bind"
>> DATA.aggregate = True
>> SELECT( "", DATA( options = "$root.availableMeals",
>>                                    value = "meal".
>>                                    optionsText = "'mealName'" ) )
>> =>
>> <select data-bind="options: $root.availableMeals, value: meal, 
>> optionsText: 'mealName'"></select>
>> or:
>> class koDATA( DATA ):
>>     namespace = "bind"
>>     aggregated = False
>> + <use koDATA instead of DATA in the html helpers>
>> More advanced usages can then sub-class DATA and just re-implement the 
>> parse function...
>> What say you?
>> On Thursday, December 20, 2012 7:17:48 AM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> Oops. right. I wish there was a simple syntax but I cannot think about 
>>> one. 
>>> On Thursday, 20 December 2012 09:07:21 UTC-6, Niphlod wrote:
>>>> correction, the _ in front is needed as always .... 
>>>> DIV('content',**{'_data-something':'something value'})
>>>> Il giorno giovedì 20 dicembre 2012 15:58:25 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro ha 
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> They always did although the syntax is cumbersone
>>>>> DIV('content',**{'data-something':'something value'})
>>>>> On Thursday, 20 December 2012 04:16:54 UTC-6, Arnon Marcus wrote:
>>>>>> Cool (!)
>>>>>> Do the HTML helpers support HTML5's " data-* " attributes?
>>>>>> Can that be used for javascriupt frameworks like Knockout.js or 
>>>>>> Angular.js ?


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