Thanks for both your comments, they are good food for thought.

My experience with Javascript is very limited and I want to avoid it as 
much as possible. That is why I have considered - and tried - pyjamas 
(which has been working very well for me: very easy to use, and up to now 
very robust). I have some worries:

   1. This approach means I must keep coding, and integrating, two 
   technologies: web2py and pyjamas. It is still way better than having to 
   code in javascript.
   2. One thing that worries me about implementing all this logic 
   client-side is that a big chunk of my code will be autogenerated 
   javascript. That means, if I run into trouble, I guess it will be very 
   difficult to solve any problems I may have.
   3. And this a side issue, but I need to mention it nevertheless: I am 
   having a hard time integrating the CSS from pyjamas and web2py. Since some 
   styles from web2py (table, td, ...) override my styles, suddenly all my 
   pyjamas components are looking very bad. This is a very painful problem, 
   which I do not know how to solve. Do you have any suggestions on how to 
   debug CSS issues? I am limited to Chrome inspector basically.

So what I was aiming at now is to use as little client side logic as 
possible: just perform some AJAX calls to get the data ready for 
presentation. Actually, I was even planning to do (for example) HTML table 
rendering on the server (I am considering<> for 
that) and send it via AJAX to the client to be displayed. Basically, the 
server would be in charge of updating the html in the client. The same that 
web2py does with controllers/views/functions, but for dynamic content, 
which must be sent via AJAX.

I have not yet decided which approach to take. If you have experience in 
this scenario, your comments are welcome!



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