#errorCatcher Echo ## ## Specifying an encoding of UTF-8 is usually safe, but if your text is ## actually in Latin-1, then you should replace the string "UTF-8" with "latin-1" #encoding UTF-8 $station.location Current Weather Conditions


Current Weather Conditions


Hazardous Weather Outlook


Latest Florence Briefing Page (NOAA)

################################################### #include "../forecast/forecast_compact.inc" ##################################################
Current Conditions
#if $current.dewpoint.has_data #if $current.dewpoint.raw <= 55 and $current.outTemp.raw <= 64 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw <= 55 and $current.outTemp.raw >= 64.1 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw >= 55.1 and $current.dewpoint.raw <= 60.99 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw >= 61 and $current.dewpoint.raw <= 64.99 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw >= 65 and $current.dewpoint.raw <= 69.99 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw >= 70 and $current.dewpoint.raw <= 75.99 #else if $current.dewpoint.raw >= 76 #end if #end if #if $day.leafTemp2.has_data #end if #if $day.UV.has_data #if $current.UV.raw >= 10.5 #set $bgcolor='violet' #else if $current.UV.raw >= 7.5 #set $bgcolor='red' #else if $current.UV.raw >= 5.5 #set $bgcolor='orange' #else if $current.UV.raw >= 2.5 #set $bgcolor='yellow' #else #set $bgcolor='limegreen' #end if #end if #if $day.ET.has_data and $day.ET.sum.raw > 0.0 #end if #if $day.radiation.has_data #end if
Outside Temperature $current.outTemp / $current.outTemp.degree_C
Wind Chill $current.windchill / $current.windchill.degree_C
Heat Index $current.heatindex /$current.heatindex.degree_C
Dewpoint$current.dewpoint$current.dewpoint $current.dewpoint $current.dewpoint $current.dewpoint $current.dewpoint $current.dewpoint
Humidity $current.outHumidity
Barometer $current.barometer / $current.barometer.mbar
Altimeter $current.altimeter / $current.altimeter.mbar
Barometer Trend  
$trend.barometer / $trend.barometer.mbar
Wind $current.windSpeed / $current.windSpeed.km_per_hour from $current.windDir ($current.windDir.ordinal_compass)
Rain Rate $current.rainRate / $current.rainRate.mm_per_hour
Inside Temperature $current.inTemp / $current.inTemp.degree_C
105 Inside Temperature $current.extraTemp1 / $current.extraTemp1.degree_C
Solar Storage $current.leafTemp2 / $current.leafTemp2.degree_C
UV Index $current.UV
ET $current.ET / $current.ET.mm
Solar Radiation $current.radiation



Max/Min Data Since Midnight
#if $day.leafTemp2.has_data #end if #if $day.UV.has_data #end if #if $day.ET.has_data and $day.ET.sum.raw >0.0 #end if #if $day.radiation.has_data #end if
High Temperature
Low Temperature
$day.outTemp.max / $day.outTemp.max.degree_C at $day.outTemp.maxtime
$day.outTemp.min / $day.outTemp.min.degree_C at $day.outTemp.mintime
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
$day.heatindex.max / $day.heatindex.max.degree_C at $day.heatindex.maxtime
$day.windchill.min / $day.windchill.min.degree_C at $day.windchill.mintime
High Humidity
Low Humidity
$day.outHumidity.max at $day.outHumidity.maxtime
$day.outHumidity.min at $day.outHumidity.mintime
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
$day.dewpoint.max / $day.dewpoint.max.degree_C at $day.dewpoint.maxtime
$day.dewpoint.min / $day.dewpoint.min.degree_C at $day.dewpoint.mintime
High Barometer
Low Barometer
$day.barometer.max / $day.barometer.max.mbar at $day.barometer.maxtime
$day.barometer.min / $day.barometer.min.mbar at $day.barometer.mintime
Today's Rain
Yesterday's Rain Total
$day.rain.sum / $day.rain.sum.mm
$yesterday.rain.sum / $yesterday.rain.sum.mm
High Rain Rate $day.rainRate.max / $day.rainRate.max.mm_per_hour at $day.rainRate.maxtime
High Wind $day.wind.max / $day.wind.max.km_per_hour from $day.wind.gustdir ($day.wind.gustdir.ordinal_compass) at $day.wind.maxtime
Average Wind $day.wind.avg / $day.wind.avg.km_per_hour
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
$day.wind.vecavg / $day.wind.vecavg.km_per_hour
$day.wind.vecdir ($day.wind.vecdir.ordinal_compass)
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
$day.inTemp.max / $day.inTemp.max.degree_C at $day.inTemp.maxtime
$day.inTemp.min / $day.inTemp.min.degree_C at $day.inTemp.mintime
High 105 Inside Temperature
Low 105 Inside Temperature
$day.extraTemp1.max / $day.extraTemp1.max.degree_C at $day.extraTemp1.maxtime
$day.extraTemp1.min / $day.extraTemp1.min.degree_C at $day.extraTemp1.mintime
High Solar Storage
Low Solar Storage
$day.leafTemp2.max / $day.leafTemp2.max.degree_C at $day.leafTemp2.maxtime
$day.leafTemp2.min / $day.leafTemp2.min.degree_C at $day.leafTemp2.mintime
High UV Index
$day.UV.max at $day.UV.maxtime
High ET
$day.ET.max / $day.ET.max.mm at $day.ET.maxtime
High Solar Radiation
$day.radiation.max at $day.radiation.maxtime


#if $Extras.has_key('radar_img')
#if $Extras.has_key('radar_url') #end if Radar #if $Extras.has_key('radar_url')

Click image for expanded radar loop

#end if
#end if
About this Ashland weather station:
Latitude: $station.latitude[0]° $station.latitude[1]' $station.latitude[2] Longitude: $station.longitude[0]° $station.longitude[1]' $station.longitude[2] Altitude: $station.altitude ($station.altitude.meter)

This station uses a wireless $station.hardware, controlled by 'weewx', written in Python, and is running on Ubuntu 18.04.1 linux (Bionic Beaver).

RSS feed     Mobile formatted     Smartphone formatted

Weewx (v$station.version) uptime: $station.uptime       Server uptime: $station.os_uptime

Today's Almanac
#if $almanac.hasExtras ## Extended almanac information is available. Do the full set of tables. #set $sun_altitude = $almanac.sun.alt #if $sun_altitude < 0 #set $sun_None="(Always down)" #else #set $sun_None="(Always up)" #end if
#if $almanac.next_equinox.raw < $almanac.next_solstice.raw ## The equinox is before the solstice. Display them in order. #else ## The solstice is before the equinox. Display them in order. #end if
Start civil twilight: $almanac(horizon=-6).sun(use_center=1).rise
Sunrise: $almanac.sun.rise.string($sun_None)
Transit: $almanac.sun.transit
Sunset: $almanac.sun.set.string($sun_None)
End civil twilight: $almanac(horizon=-6).sun(use_center=1).set
Azimuth: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.sun.az)
Altitude: $("%.1f°" % $sun_altitude)
Right ascension: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.sun.ra)
Declination: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.sun.dec)
Equinox: $almanac.next_equinox
Solstice: $almanac.next_solstice
Solstice: $almanac.next_solstice
Equinox: $almanac.next_equinox
#if $almanac.next_full_moon.raw < $almanac.next_new_moon.raw #else #end if
Rise: $almanac.moon.rise
Transit: $almanac.moon.transit
Set: $almanac.moon.set
Azimuth: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.moon.az)
Altitude: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.moon.alt)
Right ascension: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.moon.ra)
Declination: $("%.1f°" % $almanac.moon.dec)
Full moon: $almanac.next_full_moon
New moon: $almanac.next_new_moon
New moon: $almanac.next_new_moon
Full moon: $almanac.next_full_moon
Phase: $almanac.moon_phase
($almanac.moon_fullness% full)
#else ## No extended almanac information available. Fall back to a simple table.
Sunrise: $almanac.sunrise
Sunset: $almanac.sunset
Moon Phase: $almanac.moon_phase
($almanac.moon_fullness% full)
#end if
temperatures heatchill rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside humidity 105 Inside Temperature Wind Vector #if $day.radiation.has_data Radiation #end if #if $day.UV.has_data UV Index #end if #if $day.rxCheckPercent.has_data day rx percent #end if #if $day.leafTemp2.has_data Solar Storage #end if #if $day.ET.has_data ET #end if
## Include the Google Analytics code if the user has supplied an ID: #if $Extras.has_key('googleAnalyticsId') #end if