On 3 Jun 2001, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

> "R.I.P. Deaddog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Actually not many software other than wget can benefit this
> > way. Other software needs to have ALL_LINGUAS changed if any new
> > translation is added.  Wget is using a combination of ls and sed for
> > ALL_LINGUAS, but that doesn't work trivially with all other software
> > I tested.
> Maybe a more in-depth investigation is needed?  I really don't see a
> single reason why the ls/sed trick Wget employs shouldn't work for any
> other Autoconf-based tool.

It sounds to me that other software uses m4 to parse ALL_LINGUAS=....
line, and barfs at it then. But no time to check it clearly..... sorry.


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