Hello ...

... try using the
"-p,  --page-requisites get all images, etc. needed to display HTML page"
option (and wget >=1.6)


On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Robin B. Lake wrote:

> I'm using wget to save a "tick chart" of a stock index each night.
> wget -nH -q -O /QoI/working/CHARTS/$myday+OEX.html 
> The Web site returns an image, whose HTML is:
> <IMG 
> &style=320&time=1&freq=9&nosettings=1&rand=6148&mocktick=1&rand=4692" BORDER="0" 
>WIDTH="579" HEIGHT="335"><BR>
> (I had to break the line for my e-mail editor).
> What is saved by Wget is the HTML, so that when I go to get the saved image,
> say a week from now, what I get is the image for that future day, not for
> the day I saved!
> Is there a way to get Wget to save the image?
> Thanks,
> Robin Lake

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