At 06:23 PM 2/8/2004, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
Does anyone have an idea what we should consider the home dir under
Windows, and how to find it?

In Windows 2000, if I enter "SET" at the command prompt, I get a return that is a listing of all of the environment variables that have been established (set). On my machine, part of that listing is as follows.

HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Administrator

(D: is my boot drive, and therefore my home drive)

(SET [variable] = [value] is the command for establishing an environment variable and its value, in Windows and DOS. SET by itself with no argument reports all of the environment variables and their values.)

I'm not a "real" windows programmer, but any windows compiler should be able to get the values of these environment variables on a particular machine. The are generally/often referenced (at least in windows command prompt batch files) as %HOMEDRIVE% and %HOMEPATH%.

Other flavors of Windows should be similar, if not the same, but I don't have the means to test any of them.

Fred Holmes

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