At 21:21 08.02.2004 -0500, you wrote:
Petr Kadlec wrote:
> I have traced the problem down to search_netrc() in netrc.c, where the
> program is trying to find the file using stat(). But as home_dir()
> returns "C:\" on Windows, the filename constructed looks like
> "C:\/.netrc", which is then probably interpreted by Windows as a name of
> a remote file, so Windows are trying to look around on the network, and
> continue only after some timeout.

I'm curious as to what operating system and compiler you are using. I tried briefly to reproduce this under Windows 2000 with MSVC 7.1 and could not.

I use Win98SE, and I have spotted the problem first in the binary I downloaded from, so I compiled the source for myself (using MSVC6) and seeked the cause.

Petr Kadlec

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