Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Ben Adida wrote:
>> cc:attributionName, cc:attributionURL, dc:title, dc:type, dc:date, ....
> Notice how these are so unique already that you didn't have to give their 
> full names, these short names were enough for everyone to know what you 
> were talking about without risk of clashes.

So, you're looking at the web purely as humans browsing web sites?

I think Dan Brickley described it well, so I'll just point to his answer
and say I agree with it 100%:

Actually we can do a fair bit more than simply have human readable
strings. For example from the CC case, we've got a sub-property
relationship between cc:license and dc:license. RDF often (more often,
even) has relationships amongst classes too, and between classes and
properties. So for example, the SIOC vocabulary defines a class
sioc:User as a subclass of foaf:OnlineAccount; this is mechanically
evident from http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#    ....

The idea here is to begin to build a web of data, but to do so by simply
sprinkling it a bit of metadata to the existing HTML.

For the web of data to be useful, some amount of automated data
processing has to be possible. We're not simply trying to do
spreadsheets in HTML. Data field names mean things, they can be related
to other field names, etc...


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