Ladsgroup added a comment.

  In T263381#6494227 <>, 
@Pablo-WMDE wrote:
  > Hi,
  > @Ladsgroup wrote
  >> I think **these all** should be removed,
  > This sounds like you thought about this already and have a specific group 
of deps in mind. Is that "all non-dev requires which are also in core"?
  > I interpret this dependency (maybe wrongfully; I did not check) to say we 
are using these deps directly as well. Or why else would those deps ever have 
be added?
  > If that's the case then I think things are breaking in the best spot we can 
get (not the best envisionable) - upon CI when mediawiki has made a move (and 
mediawiki-vendor is following suite) and wikibase needs to adapt. Simply not 
tracking our deps because "core already does that" sounds brittle as we'd only 
find out in practice that we expect a different version.
  This is correct but slightly different in practice, let me give you the 
example of Guzzle, in paper, we are declaring the dependency in composer 
because one test uses an interface, so assuming semver, if core requires higher 
than a certain major version (for security for example), we break because we 
pinned it to a smaller major version and versions are incompatible but in 
reality this interface is way more stable than all of guzzle and it won't 
change with one major version bump (or twenty if you ask me) thus I don't 
except us breaking because of major version upgrade (in which in this case, I 
just bumped the version and didn't require anything else).
  So in short I agree it's brittle but as long as we don't do it for code we 
heavily use (and the usage is properly tested), declaring it through core 
should be fine. I don't have strong preference about it though.



To: Ladsgroup
Cc: Jdforrester-WMF, Addshore, Pablo-WMDE, Aklapper, WMDE-leszek, Ladsgroup, 
Alter-paule, Hazizibinmahdi, Beast1978, Un1tY, Akuckartz, Hook696, Iflorez, 
darthmon_wmde, Kent7301, alaa_wmde, joker88john, DannyS712, CucyNoiD, Nandana, 
Gaboe420, Giuliamocci, Cpaulf30, Lahi, Gq86, Af420, Bsandipan, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, Lewizho99, Maathavan, _jensen, 
rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, Jonas, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331
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