On 04/30/2010 01:34 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> but the general point
>> >  remains -- you can set a cookie for an unregistered user and it will
>> >  work as you'd like, causing the user to skip the Squid cache on all
>> >  pages until the cookie expires.
> This already happens when users edit.  Otherwise anons would never be
> able to get the new messages indicator.

That's good to know. I'll pass this on to the team and we'll see what we 
can come up with. One question for any interested stakeholder: is this 
feature worth delaying launch to add? We have a number of nice-to-haves 
on a list to work on right after launch, so development will continue.

Also, Howie Fung, the UI expert on the project comments:

> We can always soften the message a bit by changing the language, color 
> and/or providing a link with an explanation.

So if people have suggestions on how to improve any of that, on any 
other aspect of the current implementation, please put them here:



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