Congrats, Santhosh. What are the functions of a language committee member?

- Sundar

 "That language is an instrument of human reason, and not merely a medium for 
the expression of thought, is a truth generally admitted."
- George Boole, quoted in Iverson's Turing Award Lecture

>From: CherianTinu Abraham <>
>To: Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia. 
>Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 11:31:58 AM
>Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] New members of Language 
>Congratulations and Best wishes to Santhosh Thottingal ! 
>Tinu Cherian
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Milos Rancic <>
>Date: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:49 PM
>Subject: [Foundation-l] New members of Language committee
>To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <>
>I am glad to announce that Language committee is stronger for three
>new members. By the time of getting their applications, the list is:
>Ζαχαρίας Διακονικολάου (Zaharias Diakonikolau) (meta:User:ZaDiak)
>* languages spoken: el, en-4, de-2, grc-2, pnt-1
>* living in: Europe, Greece, Rhodes
>* reason for inclusion: A couple of months ago Language committee
>announced that it is searching for members from the [types of]
>projects which don't have Wikipedia-like dynamics. Zaharias has passed
>as an applicant from Wikiversity (he is admin at Beta Wikiversity and
>bureaucrat at Greek Wikiversity). However, his qualifications go
>further: he is actively working on creation, editing and promoting
>projects in various Greek languages. Knowing that he is young, he will
>be our long term investment, too.
>Oliver Stegen]] (meta:User:Baba Tabita)
>* languages spoken: de, en-4, sw-3 <small style="color:gray;">nl-1, 
>* living in: Africa, Kenya, Nairobi (from Europe, Germany)
>* reason for inclusion: Oliver is a linguist who is working for SIL on
>East African languages. We'll have one ultra-relevant expert in
>LangCom thanks to Jon Harald Søby, one of the LangCom members, who met
>Oliver in Nairobi.
>Santhosh Thottingal]] (meta:User:Santhosh.thottingal)
>* languages spoken: ml, hi-3, en-3, ta-2,
>* living in: Asia, India, Chennai (Madras)
>* reason for inclusion: Santhosh is a free software guru interested in
>languages. He will help us in articulating projects for covering
>language-related needs of Wikimedia projects.
>I want to add one more point related to Santhosh. He has passed as a
>LangCom member not because he is from India, but because he has
>relevant expertise and right attitude. Although he speaks three Indian
>languages, he has become a member of LangCom because he is a free
>software guru interested in languages. Before Santhosh's application,
>we would have been happy to see anyone with this qualification and
>this attitude, no matter of location of birth or residence.
>However, Bishakha's question and subsequent conversation helped, as it
>gave impulse to Santhosh to submit the application. And that brings to
>my mind that it would be good to pass the whole world periodically and
>raise the geographical equality issue. And it is not a joke. That's
>obviously giving people courage, or at least the idea, that they have
>the same right to become members of any Wikimedia body, as any
>Westerner has. Sometimes the qualifications won't be relevant for
>particular position, sometimes they will.
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